Info for All Researchers

The School has a large and dynamic research portfolio extending from in silico bioinformatics, molecular laboratory investigations of disease to clinical research evaluating new therapeutic strategies. 

Research Quick Facts
  • 180+ research funded staff
  • 220+ graduate research students
  • €118m+ external research funding in the last five years
  • Field weighted citation impact of 2.29 over the last five years
  • 1500+ publications annually

Maximising the impact of published research

Research Innovation and Impact Group (RIIG)

The Research Innovation and Impact Group (RIIG) provides strategic oversight of activities, systems and supports for research in the School of Medicine.

The RIIG supports the School’s ambition to be an international leader in biomedical and clinical research by promoting the School’s research community and developing a culture and environment conducive to conducting research within the school.

The RIIG comprises of senior academics in the school who meet every trimester.