Professor Eoin Casey |
Barros CHN; Casey E (2020) 'A Review of Nanomaterials and Technologies for Enhancing the Antibiofilm Activity of Natural Products and Phytochemicals'. ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (9) :8537-8556. |
Barros CHN; Devlin H; Hiebner DW; Vitale S; Quinn L; Casey E (2020) 'Enhancing curcumin's solubility and antibiofilm activity: Via silica surface modification'. Nanoscale Advances 2 (4) :1694-1708. |
Barros CHN; Fulaz S; Vitale S; Casey E; Quinn L (2020) 'Interactions between functionalised silica nanoparticles and Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm matrix: A focus on the protein corona'. PLoS ONE 15 (44019)  |
Daly S; Casey E; Semião AJC (2020) 'Osmotic backwashing of forward osmosis membranes to detach adhered bacteria and mitigate biofouling'. Journal of Membrane Science  |
Dereli RK; Clifford E; Casey E (2020) 'Co-treatment of leachate in municipal wastewater treatment plants: Critical issues and emerging technologies'. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology  |
Dereli RK; Giberti M; Liu Q; Flynn D; Casey E (2020) 'Benchmarking leachate co-treatment strategies in municipal wastewater treatment plants under dynamic conditions and energy prices'. Journal of Environmental Management 260  |
Fulaz S; Devlin H; Vitale S; Quinn L; O’gara JP; Casey E (2020) 'Tailoring nanoparticle-biofilm interactions to increase the efficacy of antimicrobial agents against staphylococcus aureus'. International Journal of Nanomedicine 15 :4779-4791. |
Fulaz S; Hiebner D; Barros CHN; Devlin H; Vitale S; Quinn L; Casey E (2019) 'Ratiometric Imaging of the in Situ pH Distribution of Biofilms by Use of Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica Nanosensors'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11 (36) :32679-32688. |
Fulaz S; Vitale S; Quinn L; Casey E (2019) 'Nanoparticle–Biofilm Interactions: The Role of the EPS Matrix'. Trends in Microbiology 27 (11) :915-926. |
Giberti M; Dereli R; Flynn D; Casey E (2020) 'Predicting wastewater treatment plant performance during aeration demand shifting with a dual layer reaction settling model'. Water Science and Technology 81 (7) :1365-1374. |
Giberti M; Dereli RK; Flynn D; Casey E (2020) 'Predicting wastewater treatment plant performance during aeration demand shifting with a dual-layer reaction settling model'. Water Science and Technology 81 (7) :1365-1374. |
Kirchem D; Lynch M; Bertsch V; Casey E (2020) 'Modelling demand response with process models and energy systems models: Potential applications for wastewater treatment within the energy-water nexus'. Applied Energy 260  |
Taşkan B; Casey E; Hasar H (2019) 'Simultaneous oxidation of ammonium and tetracycline in a membrane aerated biofilm reactor'. Science of the Total Environment 682 :553-560. |
Dr Paul Cuffe |
Beiranvand A; Cuffe P (2020) 'A Topological Sorting Approach to Identify Coherent Cut-Sets within Power Grids'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (1) :721-730. |
De Villiers A; Cuffe P (2020) 'A Three-Tier Framework for Understanding Disruption Trajectories for Blockchain in the Electricity Industry'. IEEE Access 8 :65670-65682. |
Gowing H; Cuffe P (2020) 'Hijacking internet-connected devices to provoke harmful oscillations in an electrical network: A feasibility assessment'. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications 5 (2)  |
Assoc Professor Donal Finn |
Andrade-Cabrera C; O'Dwyer C; Finn DP (2020) 'Integrated cost-optimal residential envelope retrofit decision-making and power systems optimisation using Ensemble models'. Energy and Buildings 214  |
Buttitta G; Finn DP (2020) 'A high-temporal resolution residential building occupancy model to generate high-temporal resolution heating load profiles of occupancy-integrated archetypes'. Energy and Buildings 206  |
Buttitta G; Turner WJN; Neu O; Finn DP (2019) 'Development of occupancy-integrated archetypes: Use of data mining clustering techniques to embed occupant behaviour profiles in archetypes'. Energy and Buildings 198 :84-99. |
D'Ettorre F; De Rosa M; Conti P; Testi D; Finn D (2019) 'Mapping the energy flexibility potential of single buildings equipped with optimally-controlled heat pump, gas boilers and thermal storage'. Sustainable Cities and Society 50  |
Goy S; Maréchal F; Finn D (2020) 'Data for urban scale building energy modelling: Assessing impacts and overcoming availability challenges'. Energies 13 (6)  |
Kathirgamanathan A; Péan T; Zhang K; De Rosa M; Salom J; Kummert M; Finn DP (2020) 'Towards standardising market-independent indicators for quantifying energy flexibility in buildings'. Energy and Buildings 220  |
Pallonetto F; De Rosa M; D'Ettorre F; Finn DP (2020) 'On the assessment and control optimisation of demand response programs in residential buildings'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 127  |
Pallonetto F; De Rosa M; Finn DP (2020) 'Environmental and economic benefits of building retrofit measures for the residential sector by utilizing sensor data and advanced calibrated models'. Advances in Building Energy Research  |
Assoc Professor Damian Flynn |
Daly P; Qazi HW; Flynn D (2019) 'RoCoF-Constrained Scheduling Incorporating Non-Synchronous Residential Demand Response'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (5) :3372-3383. |
Dereli RK; Giberti M; Liu Q; Flynn D; Casey E (2020) 'Benchmarking leachate co-treatment strategies in municipal wastewater treatment plants under dynamic conditions and energy prices'. Journal of Environmental Management 260  |
Giberti M; Dereli R; Flynn D; Casey E (2020) 'Predicting wastewater treatment plant performance during aeration demand shifting with a dual layer reaction settling model'. Water Science and Technology 81 (7) :1365-1374. |
Helistö N; Kiviluoma J; Ikäheimo J; Rasku T; Rinne E; O’Dwyer C; Li R; Flynn D (2019) 'Backbone—An adaptable energy systems modelling framework'. Energies 12 (17)  |
Holttinen H; Kiviluoma J; Flynn D; Smith C; Orths A; Eriksen PB; Cutululis NA; Soder L; Korpas M; Estanqueiro A (2020) 'System impact studies for near 100% renewable energy systems dominated by inverter based variable generation'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems :1-1. |
Rigoni V; Flynn D; Keane A (2020) 'Coordinating Demand Response Aggregation with LV Network Operational Constraints'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems :1-1. |
Söder L; Tómasson E; Estanqueiro A; Flynn D; Hodge BM; Kiviluoma J; Korpås M; Neau E; Couto A; Pudjianto D (2020) 'Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119  |
Wu Q; Chen L; Tricoli P; Wu J; Shafie-Khah M; Flynn D; Wang C; Ponci F (2020) 'Guest Editorial: Multi-carrier Energy Storage for Harnessing Renewable Generation'. IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (3) :333-334. |
Professor Andrew Keane |
Mele FM; Wall P; Qazi H; Cunniffe N; Keane A; Osullivan J (2020) 'Mitigating Extreme Over-Frequency Events using Dynamic Response from Wind Farms'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems :1-1. |
Nouri A; Soroudi A; Keane A (2020) 'Resilient decentralised control of inverter-interfaced distributed energy sources in low-voltage distribution grids'. IET Smart Grid 3 (2) :153-161. |
Rigoni V; Flynn D; Keane A (2020) 'Coordinating Demand Response Aggregation with LV Network Operational Constraints'. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems :1-1. |
Rigoni V; Soroudi A; Keane A (2020) 'Use of fitted polynomials for the decentralised estimation of network variables in unbalanced radial LV feeders'. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 14 (12) :2368-2377. |
Soroudi A; Rabiee A; Keane A; Caire R; Ochoa L (2020) 'Guest editorial: Unlocking the full benefits of TSO-DSO interactions'. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 14 (5) :705-706. |
Professor Frank McDermott |
Baldini LM; Baldini JUL; McDermott F; Arias P; Cueto M; Fairchild IJ; Hoffmann DL; Mattey DP; Müller W; Nita DC (2019) 'North Iberian temperature and rainfall seasonality over the Younger Dryas and Holocene'. Quaternary Science Reviews 226  |
Bolaños-Benítez V; McDermott F; Gill L; Knappe J (2020) 'Engineered silver nanoparticle (Ag-NP) behaviour in domestic on-site wastewater treatment plants and in sewage sludge amended-soils'. Science of the Total Environment 722  |
Correia JM; McDermott F; Sweeney C; Doddy E; Griffin S (2020) 'An investigation of the regional correlation gradients between euro-atlantic atmospheric teleconnections and winter solar short wave radiation in Northwest Europe'. Meteorological Applications 27 (2)  |
Grün R; Pike A; McDermott F; Eggins S; Mortimer G; Aubert M; Kinsley L; Joannes-Boyau R; Rumsey M; Denys C (2020) 'Dating the skull from Broken Hill, Zambia, and its position in human evolution'. Nature 580 (7803) :372-375. |
Schuitema G; Hooks T; McDermott F (2020) 'Water quality perceptions and private well management: The role of perceived risks, worry and control'. Journal of Environmental Management 267  |
Stahlschmidt MC; Collin TC; Fernandes DM; Bar-Oz G; Belfer-Cohen A; Gao Z; Jakeli N; Matskevich Z; Meshveliani T; Pritchard JK (2019) 'Ancient Mammalian and Plant DNA from Late Quaternary Stalagmite Layers at Solkota Cave, Georgia'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr James O'Donnell |
Ali U; Shamsi MH; Bohacek M; Hoare C; Purcell K; Mangina E; O'Donnell J (2020) 'A data-driven approach to optimize urban scale energy retrofit decisions for residential buildings'. Applied Energy 267  |
Ali U; Shamsi MH; Hoare C; Mangina E; O'Donnell J (2019) 'A data-driven approach for multi-scale building archetypes development'. Energy and Buildings 202  |
Hu S; Hoare C; Raftery P; O'Donnell J (2019) 'Environmental and energy performance assessment of buildings using scenario modelling and fuzzy analytic network process'. Applied Energy 255  |
O'Donnell J; Truong-Hong L; Boyle N; Corry E; Cao J; Laefer DF (2019) 'LiDAR point-cloud mapping of building façades for building energy performance simulation'. Automation in Construction 107  |
Shamsi MH; Ali U; O’Donnell J (2019) 'A generalization approach for reduced order modelling of commercial buildings'. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 12 (6) :729-744. |
Assoc Professor Terence O'Donnell |
(2020) 'Use of voltage limits for current limitation in grid-forming converters'. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems  |
Chen J; O'Donnell T (2019) 'Analysis of virtual synchronous generator control and its response based on transfer functions'. IET Power Electronics 12 (11) :2965-2977. |
Chen J; Yang T; O'Loughlin C; O'Donnell T (2019) 'Neutral current minimization control for solid state transformers under unbalanced loads in distribution systems'. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (10) :8253-8262. |
Chen J; Zhu R; Ibrahim I; O'Donnell T; Liserre M (2020) 'Neutral Current Optimization Control for Smart Transformer-fed Distribution System under Unbalanced Loads'. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics  |
Ibrahim I; O'Loughlin C; O'Donnell T (2020) 'Virtual inertia control of variable speed heat pumps for the provision of frequency support'. Energies 13 (8)  |
Levis C; O'Loughlin C; O'Donnell T; Hill M (2019) 'A comprehensive state-space model of two-stage grid-connected PV systems in transient network analysis'. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 110 :441-453. |
Levis C; O’Loughlin C; O’Donnell T; Hill M (2019) 'An enhanced two-stage grid-connected linear parameter varying photovoltaic system model for frequency support strategy evaluation'. Energies 12 (24)  |
Sundaramoorthy K; Thomas V; O’Donnell T; Ashok S (2019) 'Virtual synchronous machine-controlled grid-connected power electronic converter as a ROCOF control device for power system applications'. Electrical Engineering 101 (3) :983-993. |
Assoc Professor Geertje Schuitema |
Moynihan AB; Schuitema G (2020) 'Values influence public acceptability of geoengineering technologies via self-identities'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12 (11)  |
Schuitema G; Aravena C; Denny E (2020) 'The psychology of energy efficiency labels: Trust, involvement, and attitudes towards energy performance certificates in Ireland'. Energy Research and Social Science 59  |
Schuitema G; Hooks T; McDermott F (2020) 'Water quality perceptions and private well management: The role of perceived risks, worry and control'. Journal of Environmental Management 267  |
Dr Conor Sweeney |
Correia JM; McDermott F; Sweeney C; Doddy E; Griffin S (2020) 'An investigation of the regional correlation gradients between euro-atlantic atmospheric teleconnections and winter solar short wave radiation in Northwest Europe'. Meteorological Applications 27 (2)  |
O'Sullivan J; Sweeney C; Parnell AC (2020) 'Bayesian spatial extreme value analysis of maximum temperatures in County Dublin, Ireland'. Environmetrics 31 (5)  |
Sweeney C; Bessa RJ; Browell J; Pinson P (2020) 'The future of forecasting for renewable energy'. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 9 (2)  |
Dr Eoin Syron |
Devaraj D; Syron E; Donnellan P (2020) 'Synthetic natural gas production: Production cost, key cost factors and optimal configuration'. International Journal of Energy Production and Management 5 (2) :91-101. |