Dr Julie Byrne |
Assereto, M., & Byrne, J. (2020). The implications of policy uncertainty on solar photovoltaic investment. Energies, 13(23).  |
Assereto, M., & Byrne, J. (2021). No real option for solar in Ireland: A real option valuation of utility scale solar investment in Ireland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 143.  |
Yue, X., & Byrne, J. (2021). Linking the determinants of air passenger flows and aviation related carbon emissions: A european study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(14).  |
Professor Eoin Casey |
Devlin, H., Hiebner, D., Barros, C., Fulaz, S., Quinn, L., Vitale, S., & Casey, E. (2020). A high throughput method to investigate nanoparticle entrapment efficiencies in biofilms. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 193.  |
Barros, C. H. N., & Casey, E. (2020). A Review of Nanomaterials and Technologies for Enhancing the Antibiofilm Activity of Natural Products and Phytochemicals. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3(9), 8537-8556.  |
Hiebner, D. W., Barros, C., Quinn, L., Vitale, S., & Casey, E. (2020). Surface functionalization-dependent localization and affinity of SiO<inf>2</inf> nanoparticles within the biofilm EPS matrix. Biofilm, 2.  |
Guzik, M. W., Duane, G. F., Kenny, S. T., Casey, E., Mielcarek, P., Wojnarowska, M., & O’Connor, K. E. (2021). A polyhydroxyalkanoates bioprocess improvement case study based on four fed-batch feeding strategies. Microbial Biotechnology.  |
Liu, Q., Dereli, R. K., Flynn, D., & Casey, E. (2021). Demand response through reject water scheduling in water resource recovery facilities: A demonstration with BSM2. Water Research, 188.  |
Dereli, R. K., Clifford, E., & Casey, E. (2021). Co-treatment of leachate in municipal wastewater treatment plants: Critical issues and emerging technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 51(11), 1079-1128.  |
Wu, H., Dereli, R. K., & Casey, E. (2021). Investigating energy and operation flexibility of membrane bioreactors by using benchmark simulations. Desalination and Water Treatment, 211, 456-462.  |
Daly, S., Casey, E., & Semião, A. J. C. (2021). Osmotic backwashing of forward osmosis membranes to detach adhered bacteria and mitigate biofouling. Journal of Membrane Science, 620.  |
Devlin, H., Fulaz, S., Hiebner, D. W., O’gara, J. P., & Casey, E. (2021). Enzyme-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles to target Staphylococcus aureus and disperse biofilms. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 16, 1929-1942.  |
Reid, G., McCormack, J. C., Habimana, O., Bayer, F., Goromonzi, C., Casey, E., et al. (2021). Biomimetic polymer surfaces by high resolution molding of the wings of different cicadas. Materials, 14(8).  |
Lan, Y., Hiebner, D. W., & Casey, E. (2021). Self-assembly and regeneration strategy for mitigation of membrane biofouling by the exploitation of enzymatic nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 412.  |
Dr Paul Cuffe |
Cuffe, P. (2020). Playing Fair with Time Series Data. IEEE Potentials, 39(6), 47-50.  |
Mahdavi, M., Alhelou, H. H., & Cuffe, P. (2021). Test Distribution Systems: Network Parameters and Diagrams of Electrical Structural. IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 8, 409-420.  |
Shamsi, M., & Cuffe, P. (2021). Prediction Markets for Probabilistic Forecasting of Renewable Energy Sources. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.  |
Haes Alhelou, H. A., & Cuffe, P. (2021). A Dynamic State Estimator Based Tolerance Control Method Against Cyberattack and Erroneous Measured Data for Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.  |
Cuffe, P. (2021). Maximizing Branch Power Flows as a Descriptive Structural Metric for Electrical Networks. IEEE Systems Journal.  |
Cuffe, P. (2021). High Voltages and Low Esthetic Standards: Three Design Principles to Humanize Electricity Pylons. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 40(2), 20-24.  |
Professor Donal Finn |
Fitzpatrick, P., D'Ettorre, F., De Rosa, M., Yadack, M., Eicker, U., & Finn, D. P. (2020). Influence of electricity prices on energy flexibility of integrated hybrid heat pump and thermal storage systems in a residential building. Energy and Buildings, 223.  |
Tardioli, G., Narayan, A., Kerrigan, R., Oates, M., O'Donnell, J., & Finn, D. P. (2020). A methodology for calibration of building energy models at district scale using clustering and surrogate techniques. Energy and Buildings, 226.  |
Kathirgamanathan, A., Twardowski, K., Mangina, E., & Finn, D. P. (2020). A Centralised Soft Actor Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to District Demand Side Management through CityLearn. RLEM 2020 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings and Cities, 11-14.  |
Kathirgamanathan, A., De Rosa, M., Mangina, E., & Finn, D. P. (2021). Data-driven predictive control for unlocking building energy flexibility: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135.  |
Bampoulas, A., Saffari, M., Pallonetto, F., Mangina, E., & Finn, D. P. (2021). A fundamental unified framework to quantify and characterise energy flexibility of residential buildings with multiple electrical and thermal energy systems. Applied Energy, 282.  |
Buttitta, G., Jones, C. N., & Finn, D. P. (2021). Evaluation of advanced control strategies of electric thermal storage systems in residential building stock. Utilities Policy, 69.  |
Goy, S., Coors, V., & Finn, D. (2021). Grouping techniques for building stock analysis: A comparative case study. Energy and Buildings, 236.  |
Pallonetto, F., De Rosa, M., & Finn, D. P. (2021). Impact of intelligent control algorithms on demand response flexibility and thermal comfort in a smart grid ready residential building. Smart Energy, 2, 100017.  |
Assoc Professor Damian Flynn |
Hodge, B. M. S., Jain, H., Brancucci, C., Seo, G. S., Korpås, M., Kiviluoma, J., et al. (2020). Addressing technical challenges in 100% variable inverter-based renewable energy power systems. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 9(5).  |
Ekhtiari, A., Flynn, D., & Syron, E. (2020). Investigation of the multi-point injection of green hydrogen from curtailed renewable power into a gas network. Energies, 13(22).  |
Liu, Q., Dereli, R. K., Flynn, D., & Casey, E. (2021). Demand response through reject water scheduling in water resource recovery facilities: A demonstration with BSM2. Water Research, 188.  |
Rigoni, V., Flynn, D., & Keane, A. (2021). Coordinating Demand Response Aggregation with LV Network Operational Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(2), 979-990.  |
Chandrasekar, A., Flynn, D., & Syron, E. (2021). Operational challenges for low and high temperature electrolyzers exploiting curtailed wind energy for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(57), 28900-28911.  |
Professor Andrew Keane |
Nouri, A., Soroudi, A., & Keane, A. (2020). Fast Resource Scheduling for Distribution Systems Enabled with Discrete Control Devices. IEEE Systems Journal, 14(3), 3767-3778.  |
Nouri, A., Soroudi, A., & Keane, A. (2020). Strategic Scheduling of Discrete Control Devices in Active Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 35(5), 2285-2299.  |
Nouri, A., Jafarian, M., & Keane, A. (2021). Reconciliation of Measured and Forecast Data for Topology Identification in Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.  |
Rabiee, A., Keane, A., & Soroudi, A. (2021). Enhanced Transmission and Distribution Network Coordination to Host More Electric Vehicles and PV. IEEE Systems Journal.  |
Rabiee, A., Keane, A., & Soroudi, A. (2021). Technical barriers for harnessing the green hydrogen: A power system perspective. Renewable Energy, 163, 1580-1587.  |
Rigoni, V., Flynn, D., & Keane, A. (2021). Coordinating Demand Response Aggregation with LV Network Operational Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(2), 979-990.  |
Jafarian, M., Soroudi, A., & Keane, A. (2021). A data-driven measurement placement to evaluate the well-being of distribution systems operation. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 15(9), 1463-1473.  |
Rabiee, A., Keane, A., & Soroudi, A. (2021). Green hydrogen: A new flexibility source for security constrained scheduling of power systems with renewable energies. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(37), 19270-19284.  |
Jafarian, M., Soroudi, A., & Keane, A. (2021). Resilient Identification of Distribution Network Topology. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 36(4), 2332-2342.  |
Professor Frank McDermott |
Deininger, M., McDermott, F., Cruz, F. W., Bernal, J. P., Mudelsee, M., Vonhof, H., et al. (2020). Inter-hemispheric synchroneity of Holocene precipitation anomalies controlled by Earth’s latitudinal insolation gradients. Nature Communications, 11(1).  |
Escuder-Viruete, J., Beranoaguirre, A., Valverde-Vaquero, P., & McDermott, F. (2020). Quaternary deformation and uplift of coral reef terraces produced by oblique subduction and underthrusting of the Bahama Platform below the northern Hispaniola forearc. Tectonophysics, 796.  |
Doddy Clarke, E., Sweeney, C., McDermott, F., Griffin, S., Correia, J. M., Nolan, P., & Cooke, L. (2021). Climate change impacts on wind energy generation in Ireland. Wind Energy.  |
Wheeler, S., Henry, T., Murray, J., McDermott, F., & Morrison, L. (2021). Utilising CoDA methods for the spatio-temporal geochemical characterisation of groundwater; a case study from Lisheen Mine, south central Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 127.  |
Russell, A., McDermott, F., McGrory, E., Cooper, M., Henry, T., & Morrison, L. (2021). As–Co–Ni sulfarsenides in Palaeogene basaltic cone sheets as sources of groundwater arsenic contamination in co. Louth, Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 127.  |
Clarke, E. D., Griffin, S., McDermott, F., Correia, J. M., & Sweeney, C. (2021). Which reanalysis dataset should we use for renewable energy analysis in Ireland?. Atmosphere, 12(5).  |
Cruz, J. A., McDermott, F., Turrero, M. J., Lawrence Edwards, R., & Martín-Chivelet, J. (2021). Strong links between Saharan dust fluxes, monsoon strength, and North Atlantic climate during the last 5000 years. Science Advances, 7(26).  |
Dr James O'Donnell |
Aghamolaei, R., Shamsi, M. H., & O'Donnell, J. (2020). Feasibility analysis of community-based PV systems for residential districts: A comparison of on-site centralized and distributed PV installations. Renewable Energy, 157, 793-808.  |
Shamsi, M. H., Ali, U., Mangina, E., & O'Donnell, J. (2020). A framework for uncertainty quantification in building heat demand simulations using reduced-order grey-box energy models. Applied Energy, 275.  |
Tardioli, G., Narayan, A., Kerrigan, R., Oates, M., O'Donnell, J., & Finn, D. P. (2020). A methodology for calibration of building energy models at district scale using clustering and surrogate techniques. Energy and Buildings, 226.  |
Ali, U., Shamsi, M. H., Bohacek, M., Purcell, K., Hoare, C., Mangina, E., & O'Donnell, J. (2020). A data-driven approach for multi-scale GIS-based building energy modeling for analysis, planning and support decision making. Applied Energy, 279.  |
Hu, S., Wang, J., Hoare, C., Li, Y., Pauwels, P., & O'Donnell, J. (2021). Building energy performance assessment using linked data and cross-domain semantic reasoning. Automation in Construction, 124.  |
Li, Y., Hu, S., Hoare, C., O'Donnell, J., García-Castro, R., Vega-Sánchez, S., & Jiang, X. (2021). An information sharing strategy based on linked data for net zero energy buildings and clusters. Automation in Construction, 124.  |
McGrath, J. A., Aghamolaei, R., O'Donnell, J., & Byrne, M. A. (2021). Factors influencing radon concentration during energy retrofitting in domestic buildings: A computational evaluation. Building and Environment, 194.  |
Assoc Professor Terence O'Donnell |
Chen, J., Liu, M., O'Donnell, T., & Milano, F. (2020). Impact of current transients on the synchronization stability assessment of grid-feeding converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(5), 4131-4134.  |
Chen, J., Liu, M., Milano, F., & O'Donnell, T. (2020). 100% Converter-Interfaced generation using virtual synchronous generator control: A case study based on the irish system. Electric Power Systems Research, 187.  |
Heydari-doostabad, H., & O'Donnell, T. M. (2021). A Wide Range High Voltage Gain Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for V2G and G2V Hybrid EV Charger. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.  |
Chen, J., Liu, M., De Carne, G., Zhu, R., Liserre, M., Milano, F., & O'Donnell, T. (2021). Impact of smart transformer voltage and frequency support in a high renewable penetration system. Electric Power Systems Research, 190.  |
Heydari-doostabad, H., Hosseini, S. H., Ghazi, R., & O'Donnell, T. M. (2021). Pseudo DC-link EV Home Charger with a High Semiconductor Device Utilization Factor. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.  |
Chen, J., Zhu, R., Ibrahim, I., O'Donnell, T., & Liserre, M. (2021). Neutral Current Optimization Control for Smart Transformer-Fed Distribution System under Unbalanced Loads. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9(2), 1696-1707.  |
Assoc Professor Geertje Schuitema |
Lacchia, A., Schuitema, G., & McAuliffe, F. (2020) The human side of geoscientists: comparing geoscientists' and non-geoscientists' cognitive and affective responses to geology. Geoscience Communication, 3(2), 291-302.  |
Lacchia, A. R., Schuitema, G., & Banerjee, A. (2020). “Following the Science”: In Search of Evidence-Based Policy for Indoor Air Pollution from Radon in Ireland. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-20.  |
Cucuzzella, M., Bouman, T., Kosaraju, K., Schuitema, G., Lemmen, N. H., Johnson Zawadzki, S., et al. (2021). Distributed control of DC grids: integrating prosumers motives. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1.  |
Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Sovacool, B. K., Bonaiuto, M., Diekmann, A., Filippini, M., et al. (2021). A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.  |
Dr Conor Sweeney |
Sweeney, C. (2020). Weather and wind farms. Weather, 75(10), 330-331.  |
Doddy Clarke, E., Sweeney, C., McDermott, F., Griffin, S., Correia, J. M., Nolan, P., & Cooke, L. (2021). Climate change impacts on wind energy generation in Ireland. Wind Energy.  |
Clarke, E. D., Griffin, S., McDermott, F., Correia, J. M., & Sweeney, C. (2021). Which reanalysis dataset should we use for renewable energy analysis in Ireland?. Atmosphere, 12(5).  |
Dr Eoin Syron |
Ekhtiari, A., Flynn, D., & Syron, E. (2020). Investigation of the multi-point injection of green hydrogen from curtailed renewable power into a gas network. Energies, 13(22).  |
Can, F., Syron, E., & Ergenekon, P. (2021). Effect of gas flow conditions for the treatment of nitric oxide pollutant gas in a hollow fiber membrane biofilm reactor. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1).  |
Chandrasekar, A., Flynn, D., & Syron, E. (2021). Operational challenges for low and high temperature electrolyzers exploiting curtailed wind energy for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(57), 28900-28911.  |