A sport for anyone wondering what exists underground
Caving is a sport for anyone wondering what exists underground. It consists of exploration of huge caverns to small passageways via hiking or climbing, or along ropes for the vertical potholes. Training is every week at the climbing wall in UCD Sport, where all abilities are catered for. Regular trips are also made to various parts of Ireland and experienced qualified leaders supervise all activities. A great deal of emphasis is placed on safety procedures with tutorials and subsidised first aid courses held throughout the year. The club has an active social life with weekly gatherings and regular social events.
If you wish to book a training time with the UCD Caving and Potholing Club click on the link below:
Caving & Potholing Contact
Email:(opens in a new window)caving@ucd.ie
Facebook: (opens in a new window)UCD Caving and Potholing Club
Instagram: (opens in a new window)@ucdcavingclub