Sanas Cormaic

An electronic edition

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Responsibility for document creation and encoding:

Creation of machine-readable text by: David Hughes
Proofed by: Niall Brady
Header creation and mark-up by: David Hughes

Extent of text: 14969 words [100 kb]


Printed source of this electronic edition

‘Cormac’s Glossary’, ed. Whitley Stokes, in Three Irish Glossaries, (London: Williams and Norgate, 1862)

Manuscript source of printed text

Royal Irish Academy Ms 23 P 16 (Leabhar Breac), cat. no. 1230, pp 263-72

(formerly H. and S. no. 224)

Other manuscript sources

Trinity College Dublin Ms H.2.16 (The Yellow Book of Lecan), cat. no. 1318, cols. 3-87

Trinity College Dublin Ms H.2.15 b, cat. no. 1317, pp 13-39 (scribe: Fland), pp 77-102 (scribe: Dubhaltach Mac Firbhisigh)

Trinity College Dublin Ms H.2.18 (The Book of Leinster), cat. no. 1339, p. 179 (incomplete)

Oxford, Bodleian Library Ms Laud 610, f. 79a - 84a (incomplete)

Royal Irish Academy Ms D ii 1, (The Book of Uí Mhaine), cat. no. 1225, f. 177a1 - 184a1


Published by:

Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4

Project funder: Professor Marianne McDonald (University of California, San Diego) via the Ireland Funds.

Date: Final mark-up completed, 2009-03-23

Text ID: ws.tig.001


Available only for academic teaching and research provided that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed. This edition may not be reproduced or used elsewhere without the explicit permission of the TLH project. For enquiries, please contact us.


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The MS foliation (milestones) are those provided by Stokes in his printed edition, in which p. 1 of his ‘Codex A’ is p. 263 of Leabhar Breac and so on.

Owing to the very large quantity of Latin text in Cormac’s Glossary and for ease of readability, non-Irish text is not displayed in bold font.

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TLH has not made any corrections to the text of the printed edition.


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© 2009 Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae (UCD)

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