3D-NET Final Meeting took place in August 2017 (UCD Conway Institute, Dublin)
There is an unmet clinical need for more effective treatments to halt or reverse eye diseases that lead to blindness (like age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and corneal inflammation) with increasing prevalence as the EU population ages.
3D-NET establishes a European network of industry and academic partners, who exchange knowledge, people, and expertise to enhance the discovery and development of drugs that target these ocular pathologies (Funded by a FP7- Marie Curie IAPP grant). This 4 year project was initiated in September 2013.
Coinciding with our first year general meeting we organized a workshop on “Drug Discovery and Ocular Therapy” (Valladolid, 23/09/2014), at which members of the consortium, external researchers, students and patients got together to learn from each other (read more)
The Mid Term Review Meeting of our project was celebrated on Friday 5th of June, 2015 in Dublin, hosted by the coordinator Dr Breandan Kennedy in UCD (Conway Institute). The Meeting turned out to be a really enjoyable experience with excellent presentations by fellows and partners, interesting posters and truly constructive discussions. Our project officer has confirmed that 3D-NET has successfully passed the Mid Term Review, and will therefore remain funded for the next 2 years, until at least August 2017 (read more)
The "New Frontiers in Ocular Therapeutics" workshop (Dublin 12-13 Oct 2015) brought together clinicians, patients groups, academic scientists (chemists and biologists) and Pharma together to enhance co-operation in this field. Potential new collaborations and joint applications for upcoming H2020 calls were discussed during the meeting. Go to NFOT Workshop Website
(opens in a new window)Phision Therapeutics, an early-stage life sciences venture founded by 3DNET coordinator Breandad Kennedy, has won UCD's 2015 Start-Up Award after being declared overall winner of this year’s UCD VentureLaunch Accelerator Programme.