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Medical Humanities & Social Sciences Collaborative Scheme

Overview of the Scheme

Overview of the Scheme

The Medical Humanities & Social Sciences Collaborative Scheme supported high-quality research within humanities and/or social sciences that addressed any aspect of health (including, but not limited to, history of medicine, bioethics, sociology ehalth economics, ethology, literature and philosophy etc.). This award enabled UCD to strategically advance research in these areas and to enable awardees to leverage futther external funding form agencies such as the EU and Wellcome, amongst other sources.

Importantly, the fund supported excellent early to mid-career academics who have suffered a loss of track record due to external circumstances (e.g. changes in the national funding landscape; maternity leave, career break; heavy teaching load). The emphasis of this scheme was to foster collaboration and interdisciplinary research with clinicians, health practitioners or other individuals in allied healht professions within the medical and veterniary medical fields.

Meet the Awardees

4 awards were granted under this scheme, with a total value of €241,952, to support high-quality research within humanities and/or social sciences that addressed any aspect of health.

Dr. Edward Collins image
Personally, the project has been significant to my sense of self as a researcher
Dr. Edward Collins, UCD School of History

Contact the UCD Wellcome ISSF

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: issf@ucd.ie