Mid Career Stimulus & Diversification Scheme
Overview of Scheme
Over the past decade, there has been a significant decline of funding for basic biomedical research, as a result of changes to the mandate of a number of national funding agencies. This situation is even more acute for researchers who have needed to temporarily disengage from research, such as those who have taken maternity/extended paternity/adoption leave or career breaks. The aim of support under this particular ISSF scheme was to find sustainable sources of funidng to enable re-establishement of excellent work.
The scheme was open to two main cohorts of staff:
- Those who have lost track record due to changes in the national funding landscape
- Returners, notwithstanding the fact that there may be overlap between these two cohorts
The Mid-Career Stimulus and Diversification scheme supported excellent midcareer researchers who were previoulsy highly productive, but whose activity has been impeded by radical post-recession changes in Irish research funding or has bene lost as a result of extended leave, or indeed a combination of the two. This scheme was open to academics working within the remit of biomedical and clinical sciences across the University.
Meet the Awardees
10 Mid Career Stimulus & Diversification Schemes were awarded, with a total value of €732,981, to support excellent midcareer researchers who had lost track record due to either changes in the funding landscape or extended leave, or a combination of the two.