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Sarah Higginbotham


One Health is a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to research that recognizes the interconnection between people, animals and the environment. As One Health Research Manager for UCD, I help to connect UCD researchers from different disciplines principally within the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences and bring to their attention appropriate funding opportunities and events. I offer a variety of supports to recipients of the ISSF Clinical Primer Scheme and Mid-Career Stimulus awards and manage a number of international collaborations between UCD One Health researchers and academic and industrial partners. An important aspect of my role is communicating the message of One Health, to ensure that researchers across UCD understand the concept of One Health and the enormous benefits it can bring. I also help to disseminate the world-class One Health research carried out in UCD via our dedicated website and Twitter account.


In 2021 we completely redeveloped and relaunched the UCD One Health website. The site lists One Health funding opportunities, events, initiatives and policies, and highlights exciting new studies from UCD One Health researchers. We have also significantly increased our Twitter following in recent months and are using the platform to champion UCD One Health research and raise awareness of local and international One Health policy and news. The Zoetis-UCD2 Transatlantic One Health Alliance is an exciting, highly productive collaboration between Zoetis Inc., UC Davis, California and UCD. Since 2018 Zoetis, the world’s largest animal health company, has contributed ¤300,000 to the Alliance to support collaborative research on One Health topics such as antimicrobial resistance, zoonosis and food safety. In recent weeks we secured a further ¤150,000 from Zoetis to continue this collaboration, and plans are underway to host an in-person conference in UCD in summer 2022 to showcase the achievements of this unique Alliance.


Conversations with UCD researchers reveal that while they are often very interested in applying for grants, establishing collaborations, participating in events etc., they usually struggle to find the time to investigate these opportunities and navigate the required processes. Younger researchers, in particular, may be unfamiliar with the funding landscape and may lack the networks required for successful collaborations. As the Research Manager for One Health, I can dedicate the necessary time and energy to explore opportunities, help to initiative and cultivate relationships, communicate and showcase outputs and generally drive forward a complex and ambitious One Health programme in UCD. As the principal contact point for UCD One Health I can keep abreast of new developments and opportunities, and make sure the relevant researchers are kept up to date, well informed and connected.

Contact the UCD Wellcome ISSF

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: issf@ucd.ie