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Information for Students

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UCD's Academic Advising System

As part of the academic advising pilot UCD is trying out a new system to support academic advising.  You should log into the UCD system using your normal UCD log-in credentials via the E2S login link.

For support or queries with the Academic Advising System contact: academic.advising@ucd.ie 


Once you log in, you will be able to see who your academic advisor is and their contact details.  You can click "Connect me" to send a note to your academic advisor which they can read in their own time.  You can also see notifications and any upcoming appointments that you have been invited to.  


You have access to a calendar which allows you to manage your advising appointments.  Go to "My appointments" to view upcoming and past appointments.  You can cancel an upcoming appointment.  Go to "Book an Appointment" to book an appointment.

My Notes

To see notes left by your advisor, you can click on ‘My Notes’ at the top of the page. A list of notes appears in chronological order, which you can reply, if you wish, or you can post a note for your advisor to view in their own time.

My Reflection Tool

My Reflection Tool is an interactive section where your academic advisor may send you set of questions to help you reflect or make decisions.

My Academic Plan

You can create and work on an academic plan in this area.  The plan can either be a document that you upload or it can consist of a number of objectives in the Notes area.