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Ann O'Hanlon

UCD Ad Astra Academy Elite Sports Manager

Ann O'HanlonAnn O'Hanlon has a BA and MBS from UCD, together with postgraduate qualifications in Psychotherapy from DCU. Ann brings extensive knowledge of the university to her role as Manager of the Elite Sports Scholarship Programme.

She has worked in a variety of roles within UCD, most recently as Manager of the UCD School of Physiotherapy and as a Student Adviser to the School of Computer Science. She has lectured to postgraduate students at UCD and delivered undergraduate courses for the NCI. She also practised as a psychotherapist at Turning Point, Dun Laoghaire.

In addition to her role at the Ad Astra Academy, Ann manages the Centre for Sports Studies which is part of the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science. Her focus is people-centred which translates into an easy rapport with, and genuine care of all members of the UCD Ad Astra Academy.

E: (opens in a new window)a.ohanlon@ucd.ie
P: 01 716 3291

Contact UCD Ad Astra Academy

Student Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
T: +353 1 716 3105 | E: adastraacademy@ucd.ie