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Craig Dowling

Elite Sports Strength and Conditioning Coach

Craig graduated with a BSc in Sport Science & Health from Dublin City University. Craig moves from a performance support role with Cycling Ireland working with their Olympic and Paralympic programmes throughout the Tokyo 2020 cycle.

Craig is an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and IRFU Certified Conditioning Coach. He has worked in Strength & Conditioning and Sport Science roles with a variety of sports organisations including Cycling Ireland, the Sport Ireland Institute and Hockey Ireland in addition to AIL Rugby, inter-county GAA and League of Ireland soccer teams.

E: (opens in a new window)craig.dowling@ucd.ie

Contact UCD Ad Astra Academy

Student Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
T: +353 1 716 3105 | E: adastraacademy@ucd.ie