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Professor Colin Boreham

Director of the Ad Astra Academy Elite Sports Scholarship Programme 

ColinColin Boreham joined UCD in July 2006 to become the inaugural Director of the Institute for Sport and Health.

He is a sports scientist of over 30 years standing, and has published over 100 peer reviewed papers on aspects of exercise, sport and health.

He is a Fellow of both the American College of Sports Medicine and the European College of Sports Sciences, and is on the Editorial Boards of The Journal of Sports Sciences and Paediatric Exercise Sciences. On the sporting front, he is an ex UK record holder for the High Jump and went on to represent Great Britain at the 1984 Olympics as a Decathlete alongside the great Daley Thompson.

He was also Fitness Adviser to the IRFU from 1987-90.

E: (opens in a new window)colin.boreham@ucd.ie
(opens in a new window)https://people.ucd.ie/colin.boreham

Contact UCD Ad Astra Academy

Student Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
T: +353 1 716 3105 | E: adastraacademy@ucd.ie