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Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin

Director of the Ad Astra Academy Academic Scholarship Programme 

Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin is the Principal and Dean of UCD College of Arts and Humanities and Senior Professor and Chair of Modern Irish and Literature. She has recently completed six years as Head of the UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore and Head of Irish Studies. She has been appointed Chair of the Board of Foras na Gaeilge in 2021. This is a government appointment by the North South Ministerial Council Joint Secretariat. Foras na Gaeilge is the cross-border North South Language Body with oversight of all Irish language funding, initiatives and organisations on the island of Ireland. She has been the Director of UCD de Bhaldraithe Centre for Irish Language Scholarship and the Vice-Principal / Director of the UCD College of Arts and Celtic Studies Graduate School. Regina is the Director and Initiator of the MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na Gaeilge since 2006 and project coordinator of the first Irish language University based Journalist in Residence (2006-2009). 

(opens in a new window)https://people.ucd.ie/regina.uichollatain

Email (opens in a new window)regina.uichollatain@ucd.ie

Contact UCD Ad Astra Academy

Student Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
T: +353 1 716 3105 | E: adastraacademy@ucd.ie