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Transforming through Digital Technology

The continuing advance of computing and mobile technology, with networks of increasing speed and capacity, the development of cloud computing and storage, the increasing number of networkconnected sensors and devices, together with significant advances in AI and machine learning is transforming entire industries and changing the way we work and the way companies and institutions are organised. Further developments in data analysis and artificial intelligence will bring new tools to many environments, allowing us to pursue opportunities and challenges we can imagine now, as well as changes we cannot anticipate but for which we must be prepared.

Transactional activities are increasingly mediated by computer systems, and the cashless society is rapidly becoming a reality. Devices and apps allow consumers to interact directly with data systems with little human intervention. Developments in machine learning will further accelerate this trend, and data analysis and artificial intelligence will bring new tools to many work environments. The nature of work is undergoing a revolution.

UCD is already at the forefront of significant contributions in AI, data science and cybersecurity. We are widely recognised for our innovative and impactful work at the forefront of the field of digital culture, and we are pioneering new interdisciplinary approaches to digitally record and analyse our past, to better understand our present and to shape and develop our future using digital technologies.

We will continue to contribute to the transformations made possible by digital technology, and will realise these possibilities in our own community; in our research, teaching and learning; and in our operations and decisionmaking. We will integrate our digital campus with our physical campus to provide a welcome, modern, and intellectually stimulating environment. We will embed digital technology to ask new questions, to discover new knowledge, and to analyse what we know afresh. We will also embed digital technology in our teaching and learning, to work together, to deliver services, and to monitor and understand our activities and impact as an institution. We will search for, discover, and introduce new ways to advance the digital literacy of our students and will provide opportunities for all members of our University community to understand and make use of the digital technologies relevant to their areas.

UCD Ad Astra Fellows

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | Location Map