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Continuum Damage Models for Toughened Epoxy Adhesives

This project aims to develop appropriate continuum damage models for toughened epoxy adhesives using the Finite Volume numerical method. Recent/current research has demonstrated an increasing fracture toughness of nano-modified epoxy adhesives due to extensive debonding of the core-shell nano-phase inclusions and subsequent growth and coalescence of voids in the elastic-plastic epoxy matrix. Numerical modelling plays a key role in improving transferability of fracture data obtained from different test specimens such as tapered double cantilevered beam (TDCB), deep circumferentially notched tensile (DCNT) and peel test geometries.

Finite Volume analysis could link observed macroscopic material properties and the microstructural parameters of the adhesive giving invaluable insight into the influence of the nano-particle size distribution, density, stiffness, and the properties of the particle-matrix interface on the fracture mechanisms and the associated fracture toughness of different adhesive formulations.


Contact details:

Prof. Alojz Ivankovic (opens in a new window)alojz.ivankovic@ucd.ie