UCD has several student societies that provide friendly and welcoming spaces for people to connect, network, and learn more about each other:
- UCD Science Society - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/science/
- PharmTox - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/pharmtox/
- UCD MicroSoc - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/microbiology/
- International Students Society - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/international/
- UCD Arab Society - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/arab/
- UCD Chinese Society - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/chinese
- UCD Africa Society - (opens in a new window)https://societies.ucd.ie/africa/