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Research Seminar Series

Consisting of a series of online seminars, the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, Research Seminar Series takes place quarterly during the academic year. The purpose of this seminar series is to share details of current research activities taking place across the major research themes underpinning the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science.

Each seminar will focus on a key topic of interest and will feature an academic staff member from the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science and an external speaker, often an international expert who is a collaborating partner of the school.

The Research Seminar Series is open to all and recordings of each seminar are now available to watch on-demand.

The next Seminar Series will begin on the 17th of April at 1:00 with Professor Saskia Van Ruth. Saskia is new to UCD and over the past two decades her research and teaching in various universities has focused on the integrity in food supply chains, food fraud prevention and food authentication. She worked in this area before at Wageningen University, Wageningen Research, Queen's University Belfast and University College Cork. 

For further information please contact Patricia Tutty, UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science. Email:patricia.tutty@ucd.ie

Most recent Seminar: "Digging Deeper: soils and greenhouse gas emissions" 


How the past shapes the present: palaeogenomic insights into livestock and their pathogens - Dr. Kevin Daly and Prof. Dr. Laurent Frantz
Digging deeper: soils and greenhouse gas emissions
Hybrid Meat Products Fad or Future?
Infant Nutrition: Intakes and Impacts
People, Plants and the Planet
Pasture-based solutions to the challenges facing ruminant production systems
UCD and Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia, Building Resilience Through Education (BRTE)
The challenges facing European agricultural and life science Universities, Prof. Alex Evans
Circular Economy in a changing world - Dr. Antonis Zorpas, Open University of Cyprus
The initiation and consequences of animal domestication through an evolutionary lens - Prof. Gerger Larson, University of Oxford
Women in Irish Agricultural History, Dr. Micheál Ó Fathartaigh
Functional foods from seaweeds: from the sea to your table - Marco Garcia Vaquero, Assistant Professor
Tracing insights into branched chain amino acid utilisation in adipose tissue – Dr. Martina Wallace
Mobilising the ‘Deskchair Countryside’: aka how ‘play farming’ can change the world - Dr. Lee-Ann Sutherland
Biodiversity in Agricultural Systems - Dr Helen Sheridan
Harnessing the potential of innate immunity in cattle - Dr Kieran Meade

UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science

Agriculture and Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7205 | Location Map(opens in a new window)