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Peer-reviewed Publications

Karbassioon, A. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Exploring relationships between time of day and pollinator activity in the context of pesticide use.(opens in a new window)Basic and Applied Ecology. Pre-proof

O’Reilly, A. & Stanley D.A. (2023) Non-neonicotinoid pesticides impact bumblebee activity and pollen provisioning.(opens in a new window)Journal of Applied Ecology. Early view

Dirilgen, T., Herbertsson, L., O’Reilly, A.D., Mahon, N. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Moving past neonicotinoids and honeybees: A systematic review of existing research on other insecticides and bees.(opens in a new window)Environmental Research235,116612

O’Reilly, A. & Stanley D.A. (2023) Solitary bee behaviour and pollination service delivery is differentially impacted by neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides.(opens in a new window)Science of the Total Environment, 894, 164399

Karbassioon, A., Yearlsey, J., Dirilgen, T., Hodge, S., Stout, J.C. & Stanley, D.A. (2023) Responses in honeybee and bumblebee activity to changes in weather conditions. (opens in a new window)Oecologia, 201, 689-701.



Alison O’Reilly “Do pollinator communities differ between early and late flowering varieties of a mass-flowering crop?”ISCRAES Conference, Dublin (virtual), 5th November 2020

Arrian Karbassioon “The effect of weather on pollinators in IrelandUCD School of Agriculture ESRM Postgraduate SeminarDay, 6th December 2019

Dara Stanley “Pollinators, plants and pollinationWexford Naturalists Field Club, Wexford, 4th July 2019

Alison O’Reilly “Pollinators in Irish AgricultureBASE Ireland farmer meeting,Carlow, 6th May 2019

Dara Stanley“Pollinators, Pollination..and interactions with PPPs”Maynooth University Biology seminar series and Queens University Belfast seminar series, March & April 2019

Alison O’Reilly “Investigating the impacts of insecticide use on the pollination services provided by bees to Irish crops.Irish Pollinator Research Network meeting, Dublin 18thJanuary 2019

Arrian Karbassioon “Effects of weather and climate on bees in IrelandIrish Pollinator Research Network meeting, Dublin 18thJanuary 2019


Alison O’Reilly “Do Pollinator communities differ between early and late flowering varieties of a mass-flowering crop?British Ecological Society’s annual meeting, Belfast, 11th December 2019

Arrian Karbassioon “The effect of weather on the foraging activity of two species of bees in IrelandBritish Ecological Society’s annual meeting, Belfast, 11th December 2019


The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Science Foundation

The SUSPOLL project is funded by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant number 17/CDA/4689.

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