Find your language level
Our language modules are offered at six levels of proficiency, from Stage 1 (absolute beginners) to Stage 6 (advanced). Each one of these broadly corresponds to the CEFR* levels for proficiency in language learning. If you are not a beginner, you have to choose a module at a level which best matches your language skills.
As a general guide, if you have studied the language to Leaving Certificate level, you should register to a Stage 4 module (LANG20440 French 4, LANG20450 German 4, LANG20470 Spanish 4).
If you have studied the language to Leaving Certificate level and still register to a lower stage, you may be removed from the module automatically. Certain students may fall outside of the guidelines outlined above (eg. Students returning to education after an extended period of time or students coming from a different school system). In such cases the student should make an appointment for a language consultation at our Help Desk.