English Language Modules
We offer English for General and Academic Purposes modules for Erasmus, non-EU/Exchange and international non-native English speaking students. These modules can be taken in Autumn or Spring Trimesters and must be taken for 5 credits per module.
For Erasmus and non-EU Exchange, they should be taken as part of your learning agreement with your home university. It is not possible to audit these modules. Modules from the list below will run in each trimester depending on student uptake.
To find out more about the modules we offer, click on the module descriptors below.
We would like to offer you an English module that best complements your academic field of study, so we would prefer you to take a quick placement test first. You can register for a placement test below.

Placement Tests 2024-25
- Register for a Spring 24/25 trimester Placement Test date below: