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The Algaebrew team is excited to announce a free webinar on July 2nd, 2024, from 1 - 2 pm Irish Standard Time. This session will provide an in-depth update on our cutting-edge project progress in the following areas:

- Cultivation of Microalgae on Brewery Wastewater

- Biorefinery of Microalgae Biomass

- Upgrading Microalgae into Aquaculture Feed

- Utilisation of Microalgae as Biofertiliser

We invite you to join us for this informative event where our experts will share the latest developments and insights into these groundbreaking applications of microalgae technology.

Register Now: (opens in a new window)Here

For any queries regarding the webinar, please contact our PhD student, Qinge Ma at Qinge.Ma@ucdconnect.ie.

We look forward to sharing our project with you!

Contact the AlgaeBrew

School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 89 605 4447 | E: ronald.halim@ucd.ie |