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The PATH Initiative at UCD

PATH: Programme for Access to Higher Education

PATH: Programme for Access to Higher Education logo

UCD leads a six-college consortium comprising, Institute of Art and Design (IADT), Marino Institute of Education (MIE), National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) University of Medicine and Health Sciences in a HEA-funded initiative to collaboratively promote and advance equality of access to higher education for under-represented groups.

This Consortium, chaired by Dr Bairbre Fleming (UCD), oversees five projects: Creative Arts Summer School, led by NCAD; Open Learning, led by UCD; Community Mentoring, led by TCD; Dublin Learning City, jointly led by IADT and MIE; and the 1916 Bursaries, led by UCD.

All six colleges have a long tradition in the development of measures to address issues of educational inequality, and engagement with communities that are distant from higher education. In adopting a collaborative approach, the Consortium is building on this platform of experience, to identify opportunities to create synergies, to develop approaches to sustainability, and contribute to knowledge and practice in the field of equality of access and participation.


 PATH logo

1. Institutional Representatives

  • Dr Bairbre Fleming, UCD (Chair)
  • Wendy Crampton, TCD
  • Denise McMorrow, IADT
  • Celeste Golden, RCSI
  • Maria Kelly, RCSI
  • Dr Siún Hanrahan, NCAD

2. Project Leads

  • Kathleen O'Toole-Brennan, TCD, Community Mentoring
  • Finola McTernan, NCAD, Creative Arts Summer School
  • Fiona Sweeney, UCD, 1916 Bursary
  • Seán Delaney PhD, MIE, Dublin Learning City
  • Denise McMorrow, IADT, Dublin Learning City
  • Jennifer Doyle, UCD, Open Learning 

3. Community Representative

  • Michael Foley, Dundrum College of Further Education

4. Administrative Staff

  • Irina Pilos, UCD, PATH Coordinator
  • Molly Dillon-Leetch, TCD, PATH Community Mentoring Coordinator
  • Ciarán Leinster, UCD, PATH Open Learning Coordinator
  • Denise Ní Dhuibhir, FET to HE Project Officer 
  • Ciara McGarry Quinn, Traveller and Roma Access Officer

Please contact (opens in a new window)path@ucd.ie  for any inquiries.

PATH Projects

UCD leads the consortium in implementing the following 6 projects under PATH 2 and 3:

1. 1916 Bursary

(opens in a new window)The 1916 Bursary is a HEA funded initiative supporting students from target groups who are currently under-represented in higher education. The fund will provide them with a bursary of €5,000 per academic year to support them in their studies. A significant proportion of these students will be lone parents and those studying both part-time and full-time are eligible to apply.

2. Creative Arts Summer School (CASS)

(opens in a new window)The Creative Arts Summer School is linked with further education, DEIS schools and a range of cultural institutions to raise awareness of creative qualifications and the opportunities within creative industries. The summer school is delivered across the five institutions within the cluster and provides scope for intergenerational participation to facilitate those with caring responsibilities.

3. Open Learning

Open Learning is a programme of cross-institutional study based on a modular and student-centred approach. Open Learning modules are offered on a part-time, individualised basis. Learn more about Open Learning at:

4. Community Mentoring

(opens in a new window)Community Mentoring aims to extend the existing mentoring programmes within the cluster HEIs, and through an inter-institutional and cross-community approach, harness the power of access students and graduates to support the development of bridging capital. A mentoring toolkit and database will be developed, and an annual Summit for Access Mentors will take place.

5. Dublin Learning City

Dublin is learning. Learning for Work. Learning for Life. Learning for Fun. Learning is for life, and it is for everyone. Lifelong learning is increasingly ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated. Dublin is also learning about itself. Different agencies and organisations are working together to make Dublin a learning city.

(opens in a new window)Dublin Learning City involves collaboration with community, education and government partners to develop intergenerational learning communities. 

6.  Further Education and Training to Higher Education Initiative

This is a collaborative initiative between the Leinster Pillar 1 Cluster of colleges and Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB). Its purpose is to reduce the barriers for Further Education students in progressing to Higher Education.