If you’ve graduated from UCD, you are automatically a part of our UCD Alumni community! Make sure you (opens in a new window)update your details with us so we can stay in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to our most frequently asked questions.
General queries
If your contact details have recently changed, you can let us know by filling out this (opens in a new window)Update Your Details form.
The UCD Alumni Office is now based in (opens in a new window)Ardmore House. The office is open between 9:30am – 12:30pm, Monday – Friday, for alumni to drop in.
Limited hourly paid parking is available in designated car parks and charges apply 8:00am-17:00pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays) 52 weeks a year. (opens in a new window)Click here for more information and a map of Visitor Car Parks.
There are a limited number of electric charging stations available where you can charge your car for free for 3 hours using the Parkunload app. (opens in a new window)Click here for more information.
(opens in a new window)Click here to see where you can make a once-off donation or a recurring gift.

Have a question?
If your query directly relates to your College, please contact the relevant alumni officer. You can find the list of the UCD Alumni team here.
Your official documents
If you began your programme in UCD from 2000 onwards, you can access your official documents online via SISWeb immediately free of charge.Click here for more information.
If you began your programme before 2000, please contact the UCD Student Desk via the (opens in a new window)Desk Connector with your request.
All current students and alumni of UCD can order hard copies of their documents online through SISWeb. Click here for more information.
UCD does not do manual verifications for students who began their programme after 2000. You can complete the verification online by clicking here.
If you began your programme before 2000, please contact the UCD Student Desk via the (opens in a new window)Desk Connector with your request.
The National University of Ireland is responsible for issuing degree certificates. (opens in a new window)Click here for their contact details.
In the first instance, you should contact your course coordinator regarding any portfolio or coursework completed. You can also contact the (opens in a new window)UCD Student Desk with your query.
Academic references typically come directly from faculty you would have had contact with during your studies. You should contact them directly for an academic reference.
Your official documents
Interested in finding out more information relating to your official documents?
Can't find your documents?
Get in touch with the UCD Student Desk regarding your official documents.
Alumni benefits
Alumni Library Access runs from 1 October to 30 September each year.
For more information,(opens in a new window)click here.
The UCD Library has made a number of high quality free scholarly resources available to alumni, check out how to access them here. For more information on accessing UCD Libraries & Resources click here.
(opens in a new window)Click here to see all your exclusive alumni discounts and special offers.
UCD alumni are entitled to a number of campus-wide discounts, including the at UCD Sport & Fitness. (opens in a new window)Click here to see more campus-wide alumni discounts and offers.
Alumni can become members of the UCD University Club! Click here to see membership options.
(opens in a new window)Click here to see our upcoming events page.
Most of our virtual events are recorded and uploaded to YouTube within one working day of the event. (opens in a new window)Click here to see the UCD Alumni YouTube channel.
MyCareer is our career management platform and your one stop shop for enhancing your employability skills. View all job posts and vacancies posted by organisations and companies. You can also request appointments with a Careers professional up to two years after graduation. You can sign up or log in (opens in a new window)here.
UCD Connections, our annual alumni magazine, is published every September. (opens in a new window)Click here to see the website of the latest version.
The College Collection has lots of UCD merchandise for sale. (opens in a new window)Click here to see their online shop.

Discover Your Alumni Benefits
As a graduate of UCD, you can avail of a range of exclusive benefits and special offers
How to get involved
There are lots of opportunities for our global alumni to get involved! (opens in a new window)Click here to see our Global Alumni website to see what opportunities are available.
Our team is happy to help you organise a class reunion. Please email (opens in a new window)reunions@ucd.ie with your requirements.
Yes, we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers! (opens in a new window)Click here to visit the Volunteering page of our website.
We are happy to try to put you in touch with a long-lost friend or classmate. If we have your friend’s contact details, we can contact them and let them know you’d like to reconnect. We cannot pass along their details to you directly under GDPR. Please email alumni@ucd.ie with as many details of the person you’re trying to find.
The best place for these is on the (opens in a new window)UCD Alumni Network. We encourage you to post on the feed and utilize all of the resources the platform has to offer.
UCD Alumni Relations
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. T: +353 1 716 1447 | E: alumni@ucd.ie© 2023 All Rights Reserved.