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A group of alumni with Prof Orla Feely, President of UCD, at a global event.
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Global Community

You are part of a unique global community of more than 323,000 alumni who live and work in 184 countries around the globe.

Your Path To Lifelong Connections

We want to ensure you stay connected and keep in touch with your global community. There are so many benefits and opportunities to connect with old classmates and fellow alumni. If you are new to a region overseas, getting involved can be a great way to make new contacts and widen your social or professional circle. Check out the options below to find out how you can stay connected.

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Global Chapters

UCD Global Centres

  • Regional Director, Middle East, Africa and Pakistan - Nusrat Bashir - contact: (opens in a new window)nusrat.bashir@ucd.ie
  • Senior Recruitment Manager - Carl Casey
  • Recruitment and Admissions Manager - Snigdha Kommu
  • Africa Recruitment Manager - Chiamaka Ofojimba
  • Middle East, Africa and Pakistan Recruitment and Admissions Officer - Shahd Abada
  • Middle East, Africa and Pakistan Recruitment and Admissions Officer - Narmada Vinoli
  • Contact: (opens in a new window)mea@ucd.ie 

Headshot of Rebecca Lyne

Rebecca Lyne

Global Alumni Relations Senior Manager

Contact us at globalalumni@ucd.ie if you would like further information.

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Elsa McEvoy

Elsa McEvoy

Global Alumni Relations Communications Officer

Contact us at globalalumni@ucd.ie if you would like further information.

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UCD Alumni Relations

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1447 | E: alumni@ucd.ie

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