National Volunteer Week: Top Tips for Giving Back
National Volunteering Week is here! From mentoring students and speaking at events, to writing testimonials and contributing to orientation videos, alumni make a real difference to the university community in so many ways. By volunteering, alumni enrich the lives of current students and help build a vibrant community in Ireland and abroad.
You can get involved and make a difference…
From home
The (opens in a new window)UCD Alumni Network has become the hub for members of the UCD community to connect, share advice, and keep informed from wherever in the world they call home. There is so much you can do online and we are thrilled to have this virtual support which has evolved over the past 3 years.
One great example of this is our(opens in a new window) Global Alumni Ambassadors who lend their experience and offer advice to prospective students. Online webinars featuring alumni experts have been the lifeblood of our events calendar and you can catch up on all of them on our (opens in a new window)YouTube Channel when you want to feel inspired.
We have also received wonderful (opens in a new window)memories which help tell the story of UCD over the generations. Why not share yours? Volunteering has never been easier!
On campus
Playing an active role in campus events is a great way to reconnect with fellow alumni, former lecturers, and even current students. This year, the biggest opportunity to volunteer on campus is our (opens in a new window)UCD Festival. We are delighted to be back in person on Belfield campus on Saturday, 10 June.
(opens in a new window)Would you like to join us? We welcome alumni, staff, students, and friends of all ages to join the crew that helps make the day so special. And if you are based abroad, don’t worry! There may be a Global Perspectives event in your area hosted by our Global Chapter Reps (also volunteers). Be sure to join your local (opens in a new window)Group to hear more about what’s coming up.
In the community
Recently the UCD Community Engagement Report was launched! It gives a taste of the significant contributions UCD employees, students, and alumni have made over the last year, while inspiring new ideas for engaging with the wider community. Launching its publication, Professor Joe Carthy explained that, “the activities in this report bring to life the values of UCD and demonstrate the open, creative and collaborative spirit in which we engage with the wider community for mutual benefit.”
If you have ideas for community engagement projects that you would like to see UCD participate in, our UCD in the Community team would love to hear from you!
Volunteering can spark meaningful personal connections, broaden horizons, advance skills and expertise, and cultivate innovative thinking. So why not get involved? Whether you have 30 minutes or 30 hours, no act of volunteering is too small!
UCD Alumni Relations
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. T: +353 1 716 1447 | E: alumni@ucd.ie© 2023 All Rights Reserved.