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RIAI Honours Dr Ellen Rowley and Shane O’Toole

Wednesday, 15 February, 2017

On 23 February 2017, the RIAI will present an Honorary Fellowship to architectural critic Shane O’Toole, who graduated in architecture from UCD, and an Honorary Membership to architectural historian Dr Ellen Rowley.

Both will deliver a lecture at the RIAI on this occasion. Shane O’Toole’s lecture is entitled ‘When Wrecking Balls Swing’ and Dr. Ellen Rowley’s title is '50 years ago... the state of Irish architecture in 1967'.

Booking for the lectures is essential as places are limited. Book now through this (opens in a new window)link.  Note: To reserve a place on the lectures log-in on the CPD Home Page with your Username (usually your Membership/Registration Number) and Password and click the (opens in a new window)BOOK ONLINE button beside your chosen lecture.

(opens in a new window)Further Information can be found here.

UCD School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2757 | +353 1 716 2711 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | pepadmin@ucd.ie

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