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Samburu Stories: Communicating Architecture in the Climate Emergency

Thursday, 17 September, 2020

Curated by students from University College Dublin, Samburu Stories recounts the story of the collaborative experience of building the n'kaji, the vernacular house of the Samburu lowlands of Kenya. The n'kaji is a conduit for understanding facets of the climate emergency that are often deemed abstract and theoretical. Through studying the house from a transdisciplinary perspective, we can better understand the complexities of global warming and consider how climate change will impact the ways we build and live over the coming decades.

This exhibition was organised by Samantha Martin-McAuliffe and curated by students in her MArch module ARCT 40080: Research and Innovation in the Designed Environment. 

Samburu Stories is on view at the Irish Architectural Archive, 45 Merrion Square. Tue-Fri (opens in a new window)https://iarc.ie/

UCD School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2757 | +353 1 716 2711 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | pepadmin@ucd.ie

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