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Trebuchet: Town Revitalisation through the Integration of Vacant Buildings into the Circular Economy

This project analyzes the costs and barriers to adaptive reuse of buildings by incorporating embodied emissions and life cycle analysis into cost-benefit analysis. It aims to reinvigorate rural villages and towns in Ireland, addressing high vacancy and dereliction rates. TREBUChEt promotes the sustainable reuse of existing buildings to avoid carbon-intensive urban development and maximize the potential of urban and rural areas. This supports carbon reduction, urban revitalization, and heritage preservation.

Dates: 31 Mar 2023 - 30 Mar 2025

Funding: EPA Project Code [2022-GCE-1156]

Research Team: Oliver Kinnane; Philip Crowe; Ciara Reddy; Joselyn Lopez; Gloriana Vargas

  • https://www.epa.ie/our-services/research/epa-funded-research/epa-funded-projects/research-data-table-dev/town-revitalisation-through-the-integration-of-vacant-buildings-into-the-circular-economy.php

UCD School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy

UCD School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy, Richview, Dublin 14, D14 E099
T: +353 1 716 2757 | +353 1 716 2711 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | pepadmin@ucd.ie