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Sarah Gates, architecture major @ Virginia Tech, spring 2024

Sarah Gates, architecture major @ Virginia Tech, spring 2024

Curry fries, front row seats on the Dublin bus, ResLife movie nights, studio soccer matches…my exchange semester at UCD has given me a million unforgettable, beautiful moments. This semester was my first time in Europe, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. From my tutors to ResLife team members and, of course, my peers, everyone was so welcoming and together we found a sense of belonging in the UCD community.

Studio cultures are different in every school, and I greatly enjoyed getting to know the culture in Richview. It was a tight-knit group, and some of the best friends I have made here in Dublin. Most of us were pursuing the same adventure, a semester abroad in Ireland. It was the most incredible thing to meet people from all over the world, to talk to them about their life experiences. We worked together and learned together. UCD has given me abundant opportunities for group work, and I loved the support I felt in this collaborative environment. I came to Ireland to learn about the unique landscape and explore the heritage of the nation. I have been so impressed by how proudly Irish culture and history is presented. My tutors, with their great knowledge, always engaged in meaningful discussions with me about these topics that I was rather unfamiliar with. Now, I feel closer than ever to the beautiful country that has been such a gracious host the last four months.

It has been a few years since I lived on a college campus, and UCD was a very refreshing reintroduction. My friends and I felt like we were in the perfect spot to go to the gym, grab some food (sushi burrito, chicken fillet sandwich, or anything in between!), or sing karaoke at the Clubhouse. ResLife always made sure we had something fun on the calendar, and it was a fantastic way to meet new people. Being in a new country, the furthest I’ve been from Virginia, it was nice to feel at home.

Ellen Mamier, Architecture major, University of Stuttgart, Academic year 2022/23


I have joined UCD via the Erasmus program in September of 2022. Soon after taking up my studies in Germany, I looked into possibilities of going abroad and early on focused on UCD, as the Architecture program here offers a variety of classes I really wanted to integrate into my career path. Since arriving here, I have met so many friendly and openhearted people – inside and outside of studio rooms and lecture halls. Everyone I met on campus greets internationals with widely open arms and a big smile. They make you feel included and welcome as well as trying to integrate you into the student life here on Campus. In my classes I have experienced some very different approaches on how to work on architecture projects which gave me new insights on working together in international teams. I very much appreciate the field trips offered in combination with the classes, thus being able to see and study the environment we are working on. Through the intense project work, very professionally guided through professors and tutors, I could very fast integrate into my study groups and feel that I can gather important insights that will be highly useful for my further professional path.

I have joined the society of archery here at UCD and learned to love a new sport where once again everyone was just wonderful. For all the potential exchange students, I can only emphasize the importance of joining a society – here you will find people with shared interests and willingness to learn new things. I would furthermore encourage new international students to travel as much as possible throughout the country. Visit different cities or go on adventurous walks through national parks – there is something to do for everyone. It’s the best way to explore a new country and culture and at the same time collect unforgettable memories. I can only say for myself: I will return home with many positive memories, new friendships within my global network and the insight that if I dare to step outside my personal space bubble, I can truly experience personal growth. I am highly thankful for this experience.

Anno Kostava, Architectural Studies major, Mount Holyoke College, spring 2023 

Anno Kostava, Architectural Studies major, Mount Holyoke College, spring 2023

My UCD study abroad experience has been one of the most memorable parts of my life, which I will forever cherish. Coming from an American university, I was nervous to be a part of a different study curriculum, especially joining in the second semester. Everyone was incredibly helpful while aiding me with integration into the new classes and lectures. The studio classes were especially important to me as they offered very intensive and thorough training in architecture that severely differed from my liberal arts college education. The module was very well structured and incredibly immersive, which I valued a lot. I had a great opportunity to visit Amsterdam during our architecture field trip with my class. It was so much fun and the greatest architectural city trip I have ever done.

Living on the UCD campus has also been very interesting, as I got to integrate with the community better and meet many new people. My daily runs around the campus will be forever missed. Outside of class, I got to see so much of Dublin and, luckily, some great places around Ireland as well. There were many wonderful tours that we (study abroad students) could be a part of for free. They were very handy and well organised. The nature and various cities in Ireland are magnificent, and I am glad I went traveling as much as I could during the weekends. I got to see Galway, Cork, Wicklow, Belfast, and the Achill Islands, and even started a little travel blog for myself to document everything.

I have learned so many new things, from facts about Irish culture to new architectural information to getting to know myself better. It has truly been a time of discoveries and adventures. But most importantly, I think, it has been a place full of people I came to love and the memories I will always keep to warm my heart.

Joshua Hüning Architecture major TU Vienna, Autumn 2019

Coming to UCD, I was impressed by everything this university has to offer. If it is a student’s centre where you can do sports exercise and go swimming or all the other activities you can do such as sailing or volleyball, there is a society for everyone. During the first week, I participated at the welcome events where I made amazing friends with whom I made the best memories over the semester, and these friendships will certainly continue throughout our stay here in Ireland. I enjoyed the atmosphere on campus, where friendships can be interdisciplinary, and people meet from different countries studying different subjects. UCD is also a university that encourages its students to explore the richness of the country, so I made some unforgettable trips to Galway, Belfast and Wicklow. Studying architecture at UCD Richview was a great experience I wouldn’t like to miss.

The equipment of the workshop is outstanding, and the topics are appealing and actual. Unlike in other universities, I learned here to cooperate much more with other students and develop strategies as a group, from which we all benefited. The professors were very open and gave very helpful advice. They also took a lot of time for us and our projects, which was remarkably. Also, our fellow Irish students were supportive from the first day and got us involved like we were an important part of this university. Overall, I have to encourage everyone thinking of studying architecture at UCD, use this great opportunity and make experiences that last from which you will benefit your whole life.

Noa Barak, Junior Year Architecture Student, University of Massachusetts Amherst, academic year 2016/2017

Noa Barak

“My time at UCD has been unforgettable. I have spent the last year studying architecture, which is unlike a lot of the other study abroad programs in the sense that it requires a lot more work than most. The architecture program here in UCD produces independent-thinking, hard-working students who go on to achieve amazing success in their careers. It's easy to understand why, because the program requires you to do a lot of things on your own with very little strict guidance. I have learned so many basic planning and time management skills as well as creative processes by which to go about my work. I loved my time at UCD. I would say if you decide to come to UCD for architecture just know that it will be challenging but the skills you learn and especially the people you study with in Richview will make your time at UCD 100% worth it.”

Benjamin White, City Planning Major, University of Melbourne, Spring 2024

Benjamin White, city planning major, University of Melbourne, spring 2024

I had an unreal time during my semester at UCD. The opportunity to study abroad, especially at such an amazing place like UCD, is so special. Having never left Australia before my trip to Ireland, it was a nervous (and long) flight over. It only took a day or so to already feel at home. The UCD community was unreal, and the amount of memories I made, as well as the people I met, was beyond my wildest expectations.

The planning department was a great environment to be a part of too, with a great group of people, and some really interesting modules, focussing on both Irish, European and International examples of planning. It was really easy to relate and get in touch with the lecturers, and ask any questions relating to the course work. There were great places to study and hang out at uni, and I made some lifetime friendships throughout my time there.

The city too, Dublin, was a seriously cool place to be. It has such a unique charm and distinct culture that I was able to really immerse myself in, while making it a home-away-from-home during my stay. I was also able to travel around Europe, super easily from Dublin, seeing a whole new part of the world at the same time. Some of my best trips however were within Ireland. Trips to the Cliffs of Moher, Giants Causeway, Cork, Limerick and Belfast with mates, which I'll remember for a long long time. Gaelic Football and Hurling at Croke Park too, was a great experience.

Ultimately, my time in Dublin was seriously amazing. I gained a huge insight into uni across the other side of the world and developed myself to a huge extent. I couldn't recommend UCD enough!

Lauren Santen, University of Groningen, planning major, Fall 2022

Lauren Santen, University of Groningen, planning major, autumn 2022

Spending a semester at UCD has been a great experience. I study spatial planning and design at my home university in the Netherlands, so at UCD I was able to take courses in city planning and environmental policy. I really enjoyed all my modules, and they really expanded my knowledge, especially in the subject of environmental policy. In addition, I took two elective modules, one from the faculty of architecture and the other from the faculty of psychology.

Aside from studying I joined several clubs, such as ISS (International Students Society) and the badminton sports club. This was a great way to meet lots of new people and try out new things. I also participated in some of the events and trips organised by UCD Global, such as the Treetop Walk in Wicklow and the city trip to Kilkenny. These trips were one of the highlights of my time in Ireland. While the semester goes by very quickly, I feel that I have gotten to experience a lot of Ireland. I had never been to Ireland before coming to study at UCD, so it was really fun to be able to explore this beautiful country. It truly has a lot to offer. I am really glad about my decision to study here and would recommend it to other students who are interested in studying abroad.

Hannah Koldijk, planning major, University of Groningen, autumn 2022

Hannah Koldijk, planning major, University of Groningen, autumn 2022

As soon as I began my studies at my home university and heard about the possibility of going abroad, I knew that was something I wanted to do. I decided to attend UCD since they have a school that focuses on City Planning and offer courses that highlight different subjects than my own institution. While I read about others’ experiences on an exchange, it was still difficult for me to picture what it would be like to live in a country I had never visited before. I am glad that I can now say that my time at UCD has so far been one of the greatest experiences of my life.

I got to know a lot of amazing people from all around the world, took fascinating and unique courses, made trips around Ireland, and learned more about Irish culture. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and for me, moving out of the place I grew up in, truly does change your perspective on things and makes you grow as a person. I am also really glad that I was lucky enough to obtain a residence on the UCD campus. UCD has a beautiful, lively and green campus where I live with five other people all from different places in the world. Living on campus is something I would highly recommend to other international students because it is a terrific opportunity to connect with people and you can participate in many of the educational and social events that are organized on campus in the evenings.

During the first week, I signed up for the UCD Windsurfing Club and I am very happy that I did. I really enjoyed my time with UCD Windsurfing and attended several of their Sunday windsurfing sessions in Dun Laoghaire. I also joined one of their trips where we went to Castle Gregory. This was a fantastic weekend for surfing, meeting people from the club, and discovering Ireland. I would strongly recommend other (international) students to join clubs as well, as this is a great and organic way to make new friends.

Talia Gasko, Urban Planning Junior, University of Delaware, Fall 2018

Talia Gasko

My semester at UCD was one of my best semesters of college. I was enrolled in the Landscape Architecture program, but after switching majors back at my home university (University of Delaware), I was able to take more Urban Planning focused courses. The faculty I worked with in order to make this module adjustment were great and made the process really easy. I was able to get all my first-choice modules and a great schedule with modules on only Tuesdays and Wednesdays. With all my free time I got the chance to explore Dublin, and greater Ireland. The country is beautiful and is filled with so much culture. Everyone I met was lovely and so down to earth. The societies I joined on campus were quick to include the exchange students just like the full-time students. I felt like I had a strong community through my societies from day one. UCD's campus was also gorgeous, with lots of trees and wildlife intertwined with the buildings. It was a really great place to walk around on a daily basis. I loved everything about Ireland and my semester abroad! I highly recommend it to anyone looking at UCD.

Nadine Salhab, Urban Design Senior, American University of Beirut, Fall 2018

Nadine Salhab

My time at UCD was one of my best experiences so far. Following my Master’s in Architecture, I started an Urban Design masters at the American University of Beirut (Lebanon) and got the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at UCD. I am used to travelling a lot across the world but, before applying to UCD, I never thought about studying abroad, or visiting Ireland. I didn’t know what to expect and I was a bit worried about going to live in a country that I’ve never been to. Little did I know that my decision was actually leading me to the most enriching experience of my life! The contact with UCD was very easy and the international team was very supportive. The courses were very interesting. They enhanced our sense of teamwork, communication skills and time management. The group discussions were very inspiring. There were students from different ages, from all over the world. The cultural exchange widened my horizons and helped me learn about aspects of planning and design from different points of view. The dedicated teachers in my faculty were very supportive and always ready to listen to the international students. I also got the chance to take a Spanish class which allowed me to connect with students from other faculties. Moreover, UCD’s campus was a great environment for studying. The nature melting with the built environment made me feel that I was anywhere but a university. Whenever you felt tired or down you could just take a walk or sit by the gorgeous lakes!

I also got the chance to explore the emerald isle with all its breathtaking landscapes. I was amazed by the l hiking trails and unique town centers across the island. I had the chance to discover most of the regions and hidden gems across Ireland. I was hosted by an Irish lady that treated me like family and made me feel like I was at home even before I got to Dublin. I’ve never met locals as friendly as the Irish people. Their positive vibes make you fall in love with the country!

I was also lucky to meet lovely people from my classes and UCD societies. I developed special bonds with people (I never thought I would get along with) from different continents. I would definitely recommend UCD and Ireland to anyone who wants to live a unique educational experience abroad, combining culture, leisure, peace of mind, and most of all, personal growth. If I had the choice, I would definitely live the experience all over again, and I wouldn’t change a thing!

Kaela Horton, Landscape Architecture Major, University of Colorado, Boulder, Autumn 2023 

Kaela Horton, Landscape architecture major, University of Colorado, Boulder, Autumn 2023

My semester at UCD studying landscape architecture has been an amazing opportunity. During my third year studio, I was tasked with redesigning a bog, which I have learned is a very common landscape in Ireland. This studio has been a great learning experience for me as someone who had previously never visited such a landscape. I have had the pleasure of learning from both my peers and incredibly educated instructors.

During my time in Ireland I have been able to explore Dublin and the surrounding areas as well as the south and west of the country. My favourite experience has been visiting the Kerry cliffs in western Ireland. Similar to the famous Cliffs of Moher but much more quiet and seemingly less visited. Killarney is also a beautiful trip that I was able to take, where I went horseback riding in Killarney National Park and took a drive through the mountains. Outside of the classroom, I have really enjoyed exploring Ireland and learning about the country's rich history and culture.

Janneke Storm, Landscape Architecture Major, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Autumn 2022

Janneke Storm, Landscape Architecture Major, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Autumn 2022

My semester abroad at UCD was a great opportunity for me to meet new people, new ideas of landscape architecture and new approaches. I was particularly impressed by the strong cohesion of the Irish people which I could feel during a module while visiting the village of Clara in Country Clara. It was a small town characterized by an extraordinarily active population. Accordingly, my Tutor wanted to support these residents by our own developing site-specific designs to their village, which we build in the university workshop.

Besides the village of Clara, I visited many places in Ireland, for example: the Cliffs of Moher, Cork, Galway, Belfast, Giants Causeway. For this, the UCD societies were helpful, because they offer day trips and weekend trips in the whole Trimester. In total I joined the International Students Society, Erasmus society and Horticulture Society. In each of these societies I met not only nice people but also friends. Another place where I was able to interact with many UCD students was the sports teams. There I joined the women's soccer team that had weekly practices. Everyone there was also very nice, and it was a lot of fun. My time at UCD brought me even closer to my study and inspired me in a new way. I am very grateful for these experiences, which is why I will still think fondly of them in the future.

Hannah Welsh, Landscape Architecture major, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Spring 2020

A photograph of Hannah Welsh

Studying at UCD was an amazing experience. As part of the Landscape Architecture department, I was able to experience the Irish countryside through a class field trip to County Mayo for our studio project. We had several members of the Co. Mayo council came in for our studio presentations that gave insightful and helpful critiques for the site we were working on. The tutors were all very supportive and knowledgeable especially with helping me understand the metric system. UCD has a great community and it was easy to make friends from all different countries and across different courses. The Campus itself has many different societies and events where you can meet people and by living so close to the city centre it was easy to find exciting things to do when we were not in class. Throughout the semester I was also encouraged to explore the country – some of my favorite places were Galway, Ardmore, and County Wicklow. While my experience was cut short due to the Coronavirus I am so grateful for the incredible opportunity I had to study at UCD!

Ron Cubbage, Landscape Architecture Major, North Carolina A&T State University, Autumn 2019

Studying Landscape Architecture at University College Dublin was an amazing opportunity to learn from a group of outstanding peers and professionals while expanding my world view. Through the 4th year studio, I was introduced to the aspects of european planning and design through a trip to Vienna, Austria. While completing an undergraduate thesis, I had the pleasure of working with and being critiqued by professors who were passionate about the way my work progressed.

I joined the Landscape Architecture Society and they hosted a few holiday events that were a great way to relax between studying and traveling. As I look back, it's clear that this semester has had a large impact on my work as a designer and student, all while having fun with a tight group of students in the program.

Useful Documents

UCD School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2757 | +353 1 716 2711 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | pepadmin@ucd.ie

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