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For pre-2024 news items for the UCD School of Archaeology, please click on the links below. 


(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)National Monuments Service Research Report on the archaeoastronomy of Newgrange. 

10th December 2024- School Research Day 

A taste of Rome – Discovery of a 2000-year-old fig reveals Ireland’s ancient international food trade

 Events at UCD 

9th November - UCD Open Day click(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)herefor more details 

14th November - UCD College of Arts and Humanities Open Evening 5.45pm in the Trapdoor, clickherefor more information 

19th November - UCD College of Social Sciences and Law Open Evening 5.30-7.30pm, clickherefor more information

27th November - UCD EU Webinar Series (Social Sciences), clickherefor more information  

A new guidance document “(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)Researching and Protecting the Archaeological Heritage of the Easter Rising, War of Independence and Civil War” was recently launched with the support of the National Monuments Service, funded by the Irish Research Council (Coalesce strand 1L INSTAR+) and University College Dublin’s Decade of Centenaries award scheme.

  • 6th December 2023 - The UCD School of Archaeology Research Day - learn more about our current research projects within the School.





Contact UCD School of Archaeology

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8312 | E: archaeology@ucd.ie