Postgraduate Research
We have a flourishing MLitt and PhD community within the School of Archaeology. If you would like to apply to undertake a MLitt or PhD with us please visit the postgraduate section of our web site for further information and procedures.
For current MLitt or PhD Researchers UCD supports and procedures can be found here >>. Current information and downloads for your Research and Professional Development Plan (RPDP) can be found here >>
Current MLitt Researchers
McCarthy, Jennifer: A diachronic study of depositional practices of prehistoric pottery from non-funerary context from Co. Cork.
Wyse-Jackson, Katie: An Analysis of Insects from Roman Vindolanda
Current PhD Researchers
- Brown, Lauren: Resilience and Innovation in Craft Knowledge During Horizons of Exceptional Societal Change in the Bronze Age Carpathian Basin
- Buchanan, Deborah: What’s the (Moynagh) point? Reconstructing the chaîne opératoire of Moynagh Points
- Marta Estanqueiro: The Urnfield influence in Balkans settlement dynamics
- Gowen, Margaret: Outstanding Universal Value in World Heritage as global standard
- Kearney, Dolores: Manufacture, Uses & Discarding of Textiles & Cloth in Early Medieval Ireland, AD 500-1100
- Kenny, Patricia: Secrets in the Stones: the Presence of Stones with Inclusions in the Passage Tombs of Atlantic Europe
- Kinirons, Samuel: Expression Samuels of cultural and regional identity in the Viking burials of Ireland and Britain: mortuary practice as a means of asserting and renegotiating identity
- Kourela, Genovefa: Integrating Multiscale Approaches in The Archaeology of Insects in Medieval Ireland
- L'Estrange, Maeve: Food, culture and identity in medieval Ireland AD1200-1500
- Line, Oliver: Animal materials and changing ontologies in the Bronze Age of Southern Britain
- McCartan, Sinead: Hunter-Gatherers in an Island Environment: The Early Mesolithic of the Isle of Man’
- Mackie, Meaghan: Palaeoproteomics and Lipids to investigate dietary diversity & the transition to agriculture in Ireland
- Mallía-Guest, Sol: The use of flint in the Irish Neolithic
- Martin, Liliana Silvina: Cistercian Ideals in the Landscapes of the West of Ireland
- Millward, Niamh: Reconstruction of submerged Irish archaeological landscapes through coastal peat deposits
- Morris, Marc: Constructing Messapian Flavorscapes: between seas and spheres
- Moucheron, Martin: A geoarchaeological reassessment of three Mesolithic sites on the East Coast of Ireland
- Nic Aoidh, Nora: Animal Iconography in Bronze Age Europe
- Perez, Julie: Ring pins in Ireland (400-1100): Historical, typological, and technological study
- Pyrgies, Joanna: Cult of Archangels in Eastern Christian Tradition & Early Medieval Hiberno-Scottish Iconography
- Rinehart, Grace: Medieval heretics, modern tourists, and the contestation of heritage in Occitanie
- Serrano-Ruber, Maria: Examining the life course of disabled and chronically ill individuals and their access to health care during the Romano-British period in Roman Irchester and surrounding areas of the Middle Nene valley.
- Swallow, Eleanor: Animal Deposition in Bronze Age Europe
- Tobias, Samantha: Climate Change Vulnerability of Cultural Landscapes and Intangible Heritage: An integrative people-centred approach
Previous Postgraduates
- Abebe, Afework Hailegiorgis: Values & conservation priorities for Kawo Amado Kella Defensive Walls in S.Ethiopia
- Bruyere, Caroline: Metal Circulation and the Fortified Landscape of the Late Bronze Age Balkans
- Fogarty, Irene: How is Indigenous and Western Knowledge integrated in Protected Areas co-management?
- O'Mahony, Daniel: The Deserted Town of Newtown Jerpoint, Co Kilkenny, and its Hinterland
- O'Toole, Karen: What, when, where and why? Understanding the origins of bog butter in Ireland
- Comis, Lara: Exploring the uses of Experimental Archaeology in European Archaeological Open-Air Museums
- Duffy, Martin: Settlement and Landscape In The Early Medieval Kingdom Of Brega, AD 400-1100
- Evetts, Kate: Multi-Isotope Investigation of Faunal Remains from Newgrange, Co. Meath
- Galbari, Allison: Archaeology of the places, myths, folklore and modern celebrations of Ireland’s festivals
- Gleman, Jessica: Behind the Brew: The Materiality of Alcoholic Fermentation in Early Medieval Ireland, A.D. 400-1100
- Ivory, Tom: Hospitals and Infirmaries: The Social Archaeology and Architectural History of Care in Medieval Ireland
- Wigboldus, Leanna: The Contributions of Biocultural Practices and Traditional Knowledges to Continuing Landscapes
- Claybrook, Danielle: The culture of urban consumption 1600-1850: a Co. Mayo case study
- Susan Curran: Hidden Depths and Empty Spaces? A remote sensing approach to the exploration of settlement patterns, identity and social hierarchy in early medieval Ireland (AD 400 - 1100)
- Corcoran, Michael: Expanding Landscapes - agricultural systems & enclosure in Ireland, AD 1100–1800
- Fernandes, Daniel: Population variation following the Neolithic revolution, the palaeogenetics of southern Europeans
- Gilhooly, Bernard: An investigation into the mechanical properties and uses of Irish shale and porcellanite axes
- Guglielmi, Alexandra: Roman material culture & Iron Age dress in Ireland & Southern Scandinavia, AD 1-500
- O'Neill, Brendan:Craft, Industry and Society in Early medieval Ireland
- O'Sullivan, Niall: The application of next generation sequencing to Archaeology
- Stevens, Paul: The role of the church in the expansion of the early medieval Irish economy, AD 400-1100
- Ash, Abigail: Farming and Forging: Stress, behaviour, and health in central European populations
- Colfer, Nial: Turning Stone into Bread: Millstone Quarries in Post-Medieval and Early Modern Ireland
- Harney, Lorcan: Church in early medieval Ireland, archaeological perspectives on the sacred and profane, AD 400-1100
- Ó Murchú, Séamus: The Blackstairs Mountains, South East Ireland; Archaeological Potential of an Upland Landscape
- Dempsey, Karen: Freestanding 13th century castle halls
- Rice, Kim: Understanding Neolithic settlement and society in Dublin/Wicklow uplands and Lowlands
- De Groote, Kevin - The Art of Combat
- Ni Lionáin, Clíodhna - Irish-Iberian connections in prehistory
- Scharding, Laura - Red-light Philadelphia, 1850-1900
- Lafaye, Anne-Julie: An Archaeology of the Mendicant Orders
- Parnell, Catherine: Curved blades in ancient Greece
- Boyd, Rebecca - Norse Houses in Ireland and Western Britain
- Carlin, Neil - Beaker material culture in Ireland
- Dolan, Brian - Ironworking in early medieval Ireland
- Megarry, Will - A Fresh Look at Minoan Peak Sancturies
- Doyle, Maureen - Dress, ornament and bodily identities
- Nicholl, Triona - Houses and daily life in medieval Ireland
- O'Donnell, Lorna: Woodlands,Charcoal & Prehistoric Ireland
- Prendergast, Frank - Archaeoastronomy & Passage Tombs of Ireland
- Parker, Madeleine - Archaeology of manuscript recipe books
- Ullrich, Johanna - Geoarchaeology & land use, Achill, Co. Mayo
- Whelan, David: Landscape, Settlement & Society in West Waterford
- Driscoll, Killian - Understanding quartz technology
- Greene, Sharon - Settlement & Identity, Connacht's Atlantic Isles
- Little, Aimée - Mesolithic identities, memeory and meaning
- Nugent, Louise - Medieval Pilgrimage in Ireland, AD 600-1600
- Quirke, Sinead - Architecture & Identity, Plantation-era Miunster
- Keating, Denise - Childhood in early medieval Ireland
- McGarry, Tiernan - Burials of the Irish Iron Age
- Ó Riain, Diarmuid - Ireland and Germany in the Twelfth Century
- Brady, Conor - Earlier Prehistoric Settlement, Boyne Valley
- Cummins, Thomas - Archaeology of Anthropogenic Soils in Ireland
- Kador, Thomas - People, Landscape & Mobility, Mesolithic Ireland
- Smyth, Jessica: Settlement in Neolithic Ireland
- Becker, Katharina - Hoards & deposition, Bronze/Iron Age Ireland
- Tierney, Andrew - Building Identity: Gaelic-Irish Castles
- O'Flaherty, Ronan - Early Bronze Age Halberd in Ireland
- O'Connor, Blaze - Prehistoric Rock Art
- Ní Cheallaigh, Máirín: How 'monuments' are understood