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Welcome to UCD School of Archaeology

Below is some useful information about the School.

New Stage 1 Students

Welcome to all Stage 1 students taking Archaeology in 2024/25!

Archaeology is the "discipline of things", it explores how people make their own worlds through their relationships with 'stuff', whether that be objects, buildings, landscapes, and also people, animals, plants, places and time. We explore what it is to be human, how we make, use and discard things in our lives. Archaeology is the only discipline that can go back millennia and explore the diversity of the human condition across the world and how vastly different societies have been organised for thousands of years..We're delighted to welcome you to UCD School of Archaeology. We are a friendly, approachable community and look forward to being with you on your journey into and through university, and even afterwards. Do come say hello any time you see us! Best of luck, see you soon!
Professor Aidan O'Sullivan
Head of School,
UCD School of Archaeology

You are very welcome to stage one (first year) Archaeology. As a stage one student undertaking archaeology you will have chosen between 1 and 4 of our modules (see below). These are designed to provide you with a sound introduction to the practice of archaeology and to the archaeology of the prehistoric, medieval and early modern inhabitants of Ireland, Britain and Europe.(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)Full details of the modules are available through UCD Horizons

Dr Jessica Smyth
Stage 1 Coordinator 
E-mail: (opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)jessica.smyth@ucd.ie

The School Office (Room K013)

E-mail:(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)student.archaeology@ucd.ie       Telephone: +353 (01) 716 8250

The School Office is an extremely important part of the School, it is the administrative hub of School activities. The drop-in hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm and appointments can be made outside of these times. 

The School Administrator, Lisa Rogers will help with any questions regarding student administrative or organisational matters.  The School Manager, Belinda Whitby can also assist you in your queries. When the Office is closed, or if the Administrator is not available, your queries should be sent by e-mail to:(opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)student.archaeology@ucd.ie. We will expect you to include your UCD student number in all correspondence with the School.

School Support

We take student support very seriously in the School of Archaeology and have a range of points of contact and support depending on your requirements. The university also provide a range of professional supports should you need them through your time with us (see next section).

Stage One Coordinator

Dr. Jessica Smyth is the Stage One Coordinator in the School of Archaeology and is available to help students with any general questions or personal problems they may have. Students may drop in to see Dr. Smyth during office hours. Alternatively, students are welcome to contact her by email to make an appointment: jessica.smyth@ucd.ie

Module coordinator

The role of the module coordinator is to oversee all aspects of the module and please first refer any questions about a module to the relevant module coordinator. If for any reason you are having problems contacting or getting a response from a coordinator please feel free to contact the Stage One Coordinator for advice. 

Stage 1 Tutors

One of the most important roles of the tutors is to be a source of support and guidance to students and to monitor and advise on your progress. You may contact your tutor by email and cc your query to the School Administrator at: student.archaeology@ucd.ie. 

Personal well-being and good health are central to academic achievement and over the course of your studies you may experience personal problems that may affect your academic work - perhaps an illness, a bereavement, loneliness, financial difficulties or relationship problems. While we would wish to support you as much as we can, and always feel free to talk us, there are issues that require certain professional supports and expertise. We can advise on where you might get most appropriate support if you wish. As a starting point the University provides a range of advice, support and resources to help students tackle such problems (these services are listed below) and you should consider availing of these if you require advice or assistance on any matter.  Please feel free to avail of these (see below) but always, if you are able, also let the School know if you are having difficulties. Remember the sooner an issue is identified and the appropriate people are made aware the more likely it is that it can be dealt with and we can help you.

UCD Student Advisers

Provide support to students throughout their university experience

UCD Chaplains

Provide both religious and pastoral care

UCD Student Health and Counselling Service

Provides on-campus medical, psychological and psychiatric care,

UCD Access Centre

Provides advice and support to students with disabilities, long term medical conditions or specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia)

Student Union Welfare

The Student’s Union provide a wide range of help and support include welfare advice

For information on Orientation Events for your programme, please click on the link below

Orientation 2024

Contact UCD School of Archaeology

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8312 | E: archaeology@ucd.ie