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Undergraduate Entry Pathways

Undergraduate Programmes Entry Pathways

There are many various ways of entry into your Archaeology degree, we have provided a short description of each pathway, for more information and eligibility criteria, please click on the links provided. 

For more information on entry pathways into Archaeology, please contact the UCD School of Archaeology at archaeology@ucd.ie

Entry Pathways

Irish Leaving Certificate

Students who have completed the Leaving Certificate in Second Level Education will receive points based on their grades, these points vary each year and you can find the points from the previous year on the leaflet in the link above.

A Levels

Students with UK citizenship that have completed their A Levels in the UK and who meet the criteria for EU/EEA fees should apply via the CAO. Prospective applicants presenting A-levels who are assessed for non-EU fees should apply direct to UCD.

EU Applicants

University College Dublin (UCD) welcomes applications from EU and EFTA students and most of these countries are represented in our student body both as degree students and via links such as ERASMUS.

Please note: the definition of EU/Non-EU applicants is based on fee assessment criteria. If you are unsure whether you are an non-EU or EU applicant, please visit the fee assessment webpage.


Students with the relevant and appropriate QQI-FET (formerly known as FETAC) Level 5/6 major awards and components, with a minimum of Distinction in five components, may be admitted on a competitive basis.

Mature Students

Application on the grounds of mature years is open to those who are over 23 years of age on 1
January prior to entry. This entry route seeks to recognise all of the applicant’s prior learning both
formal and experiential (e.g. through work or life experience). Our full range of undergraduate courses is open to mature applicants (except those specifically designated as graduate entry routes).


The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving
Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in
higher education.


DARE is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers under the age of 23 as
of 1 January of year of entry whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second
level education. Applicants to DARE can present with an Irish Leaving Certificate, A-Levels
and/or other EU qualifications. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a
result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level

University Access

Access courses are one year long, part-time courses designed to prepare adults, who may not
have formal qualifications, for successful study at university. These are Special Purpose
Awards (Level 6) which equip mature students with the skills and confidence required to take
the next step to selected degree courses at UCD. 

Open Learning

Open Learning means you can fit university around your life. Whether you're looking to
progress your career, or you are curious about a topic and want to learn more, or you have just
finished school and wondering if university is for you.

Contact UCD School of Archaeology

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8312 | E: archaeology@ucd.ie