Identity Statement for Dr William Frazer

  • Reference code: IE UCDA LA41
  • Title: Papers of Dr William Frazer FRCSI (1824–99)
  • Dates: (1813–98)
  • Level of description: Fonds
  • Extent: 90 items
  • Context
  • Content and Structure
  • Conditions of Access and Use
  • Allied Material

Biographical History

A Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, examiner in materia medica in the Queen's University, and a member of Council of the Royal Irish Academy, Frazer typified the world of nineteenth century antiquarianism. He had strongly developed interests in archaeology, numismatics, and sigillography. He succeeded Sir John Gilbert as Librarian of the RIA.

Archival History

This collection was deposited in UCD Archives in 1988, after being transferred from the UCD Library. 

Scope and Content

Letters from correspondents primarily in the British Isles, but also from North America and the Middle East, encompassing a wide range of antiquarian concerns including archaeological finds, anatomy, sigillography, topography, numismatics, and Frazer's collection of autographs and prints.

  • Access: Available online at the UCD Digital Library. The UCD Digital Library is currently unavailable. Please email regarding access queries to affected collections
  • Language: English
  • Finding aid: Descriptive catalogue

William's Frazer's published works can be found in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Heritage Collections

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