B MSS: manuscripts in languages other than Irish
A series of one hundred and sixty six manuscripts in Latin, English, Italian, French, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian and Ethiopian, dating from the eleventh to the twentieth centuries, on theological, liturgical, mathematical and scientific subjects. Manuscripts include B 1, a fifteenth century vellum manuscript attributed to Arnauld de Sarrant, with a decorated miniature of St Francis of Assisi receiving stigmata; B 6, a notebook of Luke Wadding containing copies of Scotist tracts by Wadding and others on St Thomas of Aquin’s Summa Theologica; B 29, a rare eleventh century folio of a graduale with tropes; B 44, Distinctiones super sacram scripturam of Arnauld de Royard ofm, archbishop of Salerno (1321-30); and B 95, the Comensamens de medicina of Ramon Llull
A catalogue of the B MSS by Ignatius Fennessy ofm, The B manuscripts in the Franciscan Library Killiney, was published in Dún Mhuire Killiney 1945-95 Léann agus Seanchas, edited by Benignus Millett ofm and Anthony Lynch.