News and Events
News & Events
- (opens in a new window)Symposium | Michael Scott and the arts and culture of Modern Ireland
- (opens in a new window)What is the meaning of art? | Roisin Kennedy | Newstalk
- Autumn 2024 Research Seminar Series
- LAB Seminar: Professor Jaś Elsner, 'Relief and the Sacred Monument: Entering the Space'
- (opens in a new window)Kathleen James-Chakraborty | Our Shared Inheritance | RTE 1
- Summertime Alumni Gathering 2024
- College of Arts & Humanities Annual Lecture
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Crossroads: Italy and Ireland and the Grand Tour Workshop
- Congratulations to our 2023 Medal Recipients
- New Appointment: Dr Benjamin Anderson
- Spring 2024 Research Seminar Series
- Retirement of our School Manager, Elizabeth Varley
- (opens in a new window)The Joan Duff/ Irish Museums Trust Medal 2023
- Autumn 2023 Research Seminar Series
- Eileen Kane Art History Travel Fund
- Congratulations to our 2022 Medal Recipients
- Assoc. Prof. Fiona Smyth elected to the Young Academy of Ireland
- Spring 2023 Late Antique & Byzantine Seminar Series
- Spring 2023 Research Seminar Series
- Annual Alumni Lecture 2022 registration open (8 December 2022)
- (opens in a new window)Symposium: Venice in Dublin - New Perspectives on Venetian Paintings (Oct 22)
- Symposium: Robert Wood (1717-1771) Classicist and Traveller: Eighteenth-Century Books and European Networks (Oct 14)
- Autumn 2022 Late Antique and Byzantine Virtual Seminar Series
- Autumn 2022 Research Seminar Series
- (opens in a new window)Website launched: ERC Project Expanding Agency: Women, Race and the Global Dissemination of Modern Architecture
- (opens in a new window)Dr Róisín Kennedy awarded the Ernie O’Malley Family Research Residential Grant for 2022-23
- (opens in a new window)Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty awarded The W. Bernard Herman Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Art History at the University of Toronto
- (opens in a new window)Assoc. Prof. Emily Mark-FitzGerald awarded the 2023 O’Donnell Fellowship in Irish Studies at St Mary’s Newman College, University of Melbourne
- Ruth Ferguson (1963-2021): a remembrance by Professor Emerita Paula Murphy
- Visiting Professor: Dr Katherine A. Bussard, Princeton University Art Museum (autumn).
- (opens in a new window)Conference: Species of Domestic Spaces: House and Home in Eighteenth-Century Ireland (Jun 18)
- (opens in a new window)Seminar Series: Archiving the 8th (May-June)
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty awarded a ERC Advanced Grant (Apr 22, 2021)
- (opens in a new window)Book Launch: Dr Róisín Kennedy, Art and the Nation State. The Reception of Modern Art in Ireland, Liverpool University Press (Apr 7)
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty awarded an Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellowship (Feb 10)
- Spring 2021 Research Seminar Series (Online)
- The Joan Duff/Irish Museums Trust Medal 2020
- Annual Alumni Lecture 2020: Oriole Cullen, Curator of Modern Textiles and Fashion, V&A Museum, Displaying Dior: exhibiting contemporary fashion within the Museum (3 Dec 2020)
- Book of the Month nomination for Dr Sean Leatherbury's Inscribing Faith in Late Antiquity
- Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty awarded 2019 TPJ Best Paper Award (June 2020)
- UCD Ad Astra PhD Studentships in Cultural Policy and Art History
- (opens in a new window)Talk with Vishaan Chakrabarti, 'The Architecture of the Cosmopolis: Designing Cities of Connection', presented by the Irish Architecture Foundation in collaboration with UCD School of Art History & Cultural Policy and UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy (25 Feb)
- China: The Fragrance of Books exhibition co-curated by Yitao Qian, current Art History masters student (launched February)
- Spring 2020 Research Seminar Series
- Annual Alumni Lecture: Helen Smith-Contini, Cranach Digital Archive: Challenges and Perspectives for Collaborative Research in the Field of Art History (12 Dec 2019)
- Dr Conor Lucey awarded The Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion
- The Joan Duff/Irish Museums Trust Medal
- New Appointments: Dr Victoria Durrer and Dr Sean Leatherbury have been selected as Ad Astra Fellows
- Guest Lecture: Mining Architectures of the Ruhrgebiet, Peter H. Christensen Associate Professor of Art History, University of Rochester
- Research Seminar: Curating in Dublin City, Ruairí Ó Cuív, Public Art Officer
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty curates DABF19
- Research Seminar: The Politics of Interior Design, Prof. Naman P. Ahuja, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Connecting Early Medieval European Collections Seminars (Sep 2019)
- Catherine Marshall awarded Honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts (Aug 2019)
- Guest Lecture: Art History vs Victorian Jamaica, Tim Barringer, Paul Mellon Professor of the History of Art, Yale University (June 2019)
- The Sir George Scharf Sketchbooks Database: collaborative project between UCD School of Art History & Cultural Policy and the National Portrait Gallery, London (May 2019)
- New appointment: Dr Róisín Kennedy
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty awarded RIA Gold Medal
- Humanities Institute Research Series Modern Architecture and Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century: From Exporting to Importing the New (Feb 2018)
- Publication: The Great Irish Famine: Visual and Material Culture, Emily Mark-FitzGerald, Marguérite Corporaal & Oona Frawley (eds) (Nov 2018)
- New appointment: Dr Annette Clancy
- (opens in a new window)Podcasts available on SoundCloud: Art and Reality: The Role of Visual Culture in the post-independent state
- Guest Lecture: Dr Moya Carey, Displaying Cairo: salvage, sales and scholarship in Paris 1878 (13 Nov 2018)
- Publication: Harry Clarke and Artistic Visions of the New Irish State, Róisín Kennedy, Angela Griffith & Marguerite Helmers (eds) (Oct 2018)
- Symposium: Art and Reality: The Role of Visual Culture in the post-independent state (19 Oct 2018)
- Publication: Censoring Art: Silencing the Artwork, Róisín Kennedy & Riann Coulter (eds) (Sept 2018)
- Brown Bag Research Talks (autumn 2018)
- Publication: Censoring Art: Silencing the Artwork, Róisín Kennedy & Riann Coulter (eds) (Sept 2018)
- Guest Lecture: Professor Angelo Maggi, Architectural photography and History (25 Sep 2018)
- Symposium: Scholar in Focus: Margaret Stokes (1832-1900) (27 June 2018)
- Publication: Building reputations: Architecture and the artisan, 1750–1830 by Dr Conor Lucey (May 2018)
- Summer School in Irish Art & Language UCD, July 2018
- Guest Lecture: Dr Corinna Ricasoli, Vanitas Imagery in Still Lifes with Musical Instruments: the Case of Evaristo Baschenis (25 Apr 2018)
- Guest Lecture: Dr Maeve O'Dwyer, Pompeo Batoni and Antiquity in the Grand Tour Portrait, (3 Apr 2018)
- Associate Professor Lynda Mulvin elected FSA (Feb 2018)
- Publication: Modernism as Memory: Building Identity in the Federal Republic of Germany by Prof Kathleen James-Chakraborty (Jan 2018)
- Humanities Institute Research Series Media, Encounter, Witness: Troubling Pasts (Nov 2017)
- Research Projects receive UCD Humanities Institute funding
- Guest Lecture: Dr Tom Nichols, University of Glasgow (21 Sept 2017)
- Research Lecture Series (autumn 2017)
- Exhibition & Publication: CEMEC Crossroads. Travelling through the Middle Ages (from Sep 2017)
- Dr Róisín Kennedy co-curates 'Bristle: Hair and Hegemony' at Highlanes Gallery (Jul-Sep 2017)
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty appointed to SAH Board of Directors (June 2017)
- Symposium: Scholar in Focus: Françoise Henry (1902-82) (2 June 2017)
- Launch: Connecting Early Medieval European Collections (April 2017)
- Launch: India in Art in Ireland (March 2017)
- Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald's Irish Famine Commemoration Research Impact Study published on Irish Humanities Alliance website (March 2017)
- Caravaggio and Caravaggism: UCD/ NGI Third-Level Study Day (March 2017)
- Dr Conor Lucey appointed 37th President of the RSAI (spring 2017)
- Research Lecture Series (spring 2017)
- Launch: Irish Museums Survey 2016 (30 Nov 2016)
- Launch: Art History after Françoise Henry: 50 Years at UCD 1965-2016 (24 Nov 2016)
- Symposium: Paintings & Drawings from Russborough House (18 Nov 2016)
- Exhibition: 'The Museum of August Destiny' (opens 3 Nov 2016)
- (opens in a new window)Dr Róisín Kennedy contributes to the RTE 'Inside Culture' programme on the NGI Creating Histories exhibition (31 Oct 2016)
- Research Lecture Series (autumn 2016)
- Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty appointed to the board of the National Museum of Ireland (June 2016)
- Professor Emerita Paula Murphy appointed Terra Foundation Senior Fellow in American Art 2016/17
- (opens in a new window)MA Art History Blog launched (April 2016)
- Celebrating 50 Years Distinguished Lecture Series (spring 2016)
- 1965-2015 Celebrating Art History at UCD (28 Nov 2015)
- Congratulations to Dr Nicola Figgis and Professor Paula Murphy - recipients of the RHA Gold Medal (May 2015)
- Dr Róisín Kennedy contributes to UCDScholarcast: Revival and Visual Art – Harry Clarke's Geneva Window
- Rosemarie Mulcahy Distinguished Lecture Series (spring 2015)