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Humanities Institute Research Theme Projects

Humanities Institute Research Theme Project Awards

Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty with Professor Douglas Smith (School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics) and Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald with Dr Emilie Pine (School of English, Drama and Film) have received UCD Humanities Institute funding for collaborative projects as part of the Humanities Research Projects 2017-2020.

Modern Architecture and Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century: From Exporting to Importing the New

Professor James-Chakraborty with Professor Douglas Smith (School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics)

This research project aims to question some of the ways in which relations between mainstream Western and supposedly peripheral cultures have been dominated by a one-way model of innovation and exportation, flowing irreversibly from Western Europe and North America outwards towards other regions... Read more >>>

Media, Encounter, Witness: Troubling Pasts

Dr Emily Mark-FitzGerald with Dr Emilie Pine (School of English, Drama and Film)

This research project is aimed at opening up significant conceptual frameworks and questions about the intricate and problematic position of the witness, in relation to encounters with troubled pasts... Read more >>>

UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8162 | E: arthistory.culturalpolicy@ucd.ie