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UCD Policies and Procedures

Your studies in UCD are governed by a set of overarching rules called Academic Regulations and these regulations are supported by academic policy, procedures and guidelines. This section provides an overview of some of the policies you might need to consult over the coming years.

Extenuating Circumstances

UCD has a policy for Extenuating Circumstances that allows us to consider circumstances that had a serious effect on your ability to engage with your modules. Grounds for consideration must be serious, beyond your control and you must provide suitable supporting evidence. Not every circumstance is regarded as extenuating and you will find guidance in the policy document on the UCD website. If you experience difficulties that have a negative impact on your academic performance, you can seek to have these extenuating circumstances taken into consideration before confirming your grades. You will complete the Extenuating Circumstances Form on-line via SISWeb and submit the supporting documentation to the College Office by the relevant deadlines. Applications are considered only in relation to the trimester in which they are made. Late applications will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.  

Further details on Extenuating Circumstances Procedures for BA students available here: Extenuating Circumstances - UCD College of Arts and Humanities 

Further details on the University policy available here: Extenuating Circumstances

Late Submission of Coursework

If you know in advance that you are not going to meet a submission deadline for an essay, assignment, etc, the Late Submission of Coursework Policy sets out the steps to be taken to apply for an extension. Download the  Late Submission of Coursework form to your device, fill it out on screen, and send it to your module coordinator for consideration.

Further details on this policy are available here:  Late Submission of Coursework

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students can apply to have prior and concurrent learning recognised for the purposes of admission into a UCD programme of study, or credit applied towards a UCD programme of study (for example to replace elective credits in a Stage), or transfer into or between UCD programmes. The Recognition of Prior and Concurrent Learning Policy, and all supporting documentation, applies to all UCD programmes at undergraduate and graduate levels.  Further details available here: Recognition of Prior Learning; Policy, Guides, Form

Progression and Continuation

You are expected to progress from Stage to Stage and the University provides supports and advice so that this is as smooth as possible. Although extremely rare, it may be necessary to review a student’s progression and level of engagement with their programme to determine if the student is eligible to continue in their programme. 

Further information on Continuation Procedures for BA students available here: BA Programme Continuation Procedure 

Further details on the UCD Policy available here: UCD Continuation and Readmission Policy

Leave of Absence

There are many reasons why you may opt to take some time away from your degree. You should apply for this leave in advance by no later than Week 8 of the Trimester and you must submit your request online through SISWeb. If it is granted, you will receive a communication from the University stating the terms of the leave. A period 1/3 of the total length of your programme is recommended as the maximum amount of leave of absence to ensure that you stay on track. If you need more time, we recommend a withdrawal with the option to apply for re-admission to your programme at some point in the future.

If you do not apply for leave of absence and just decide to take time off, there will be fee and academic implications. You may find yourself being deemed to have withdrawn from the degree and you may have to reapply should you wish to return. It is important to speak to someone in the College Office, or a Student Adviser before making a decision to take some time out.  Further details available here: Leave of Absence

Transferring to a Different Programme

The first thing to say is that it is not guaranteed that you can transfer between Programmes. It is dependent on your progress in UCD and on places being available. The mechanism and the regulations are set out in the UCD Transfer Policy. In some instances, you must apply to transfer, and you must do so by a specified deadline - otherwise your request will not be considered.  Further details available here: Transfer applications

Withdrawing from a Module

You can withdraw from a module before the end of Week 12 of each trimester, or before the last day of teaching in a trimester, with no academic implications. If you register to take the module again this will be treated as a first attempt. However, a module fee will be incurred where you withdraw from a module after Week 8 of a trimester - if you retake the same module subsequently no additional fee will apply. This is dependent on the module being run. Substitute fees will apply where you take up an alternative module.  Potential progression issues may arise around credits required to move to the next stage, modules that are pre- or co-requisites for a later module, or a core module required to progress with a subject.  To drop modules after Week 2 you have to contact the A&H Connector.

Withdrawing from your Programme/University

We would encourage you to talk to a Student Adviser if you are thinking of withdrawing from your programme.  Please also consider the impact on your fee status if you decide to withdraw and intend reapplying at some stage in the future.  If you withdraw from your programme and want to return in the future you will have to reapply, either through UCD Admissions Office, or in some circumstances via the CAO.  Further details available here: Withdrawing From the Programme/University

University Academic Regulations 

The UCD Academic Regulations set out the regulations governing the academic programmes of the University and encompass student assessment, grading progression, and graduation at University College Dublin.   Further details available here:UCD Academic Regulations

1. It is the student’s responsibility to provide full and accurate information in an application and in any email communication about an application.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Arts & Humanities Office of any changes or corrections to the original application.
3. The Arts & Humanities Programme Board will treat false information or fraudulent documentation very seriously.
4. The Arts & Humanities Programme Board may revoke an application if it discovers subsequently that:
     • the student has given false information in the application,
     • in any email communication about the application,
     • or has provided false or fraudulent documentation in support of the application.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777