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Progressing Through Your Degree

Progressing Through Your Degree

Progression from Stage 1 to Stage 2 is dependent on earning a minimum of 50 credits in Stage 1. In addition, you are required to meet the specific requirements of your programme. You must ensure that you complete all 60 credits in Stage 1 by the end of Stage 2 or you will be held up from progressing to Stage 3, even if you pass all modules in Stage 2. 

On the whole, you should not have to worry about this: you should expect to pass each module if you attend all classes, understand the requirements of coursework, submit work by the required deadlines and prepare properly for exams. If you don’t pass a module, don’t worry – there are several routes to get you back on track. 

If you do not pass a module, depending on your own situation and your programme requirements, you may be able to make a further attempt to pass the module and this is called module remediation. Modules have their own module remediation (which you can see on Course Search, find your module and look under the “What happens if I fail?” section of the Module Description). You may be able to Resit, or Repeat a module you did not pass and these are two different remediation routes outlined as follows: 


A resit assessment offers you a second and separate opportunity to pass a module but you are not required to reattend lectures and tutorials. The resit assessment is graded with either a Pass (Grade Point of 2.0) or a Fail (Grade Point of 0.0). The assessment is structured to establish whether or not you have achieved the key learning outcomes of the module. The timing, availability and regulations for resits are detailed in full on the UCD Registry Assessment website: Assessment Website 


A repeat offers you a second attempt at the module and you are required to re-attend lectures and tutorials when the module is next offered. You will complete all assessments for the module, including any examinations, just as if you were taking it for the first time. Your result will be returned as a normal grade, but with a lower Grade Point than if you were doing the module for the first time. The regulations for repeats are detailed in full on the UCD Registry Assessment website: Assessment Website

Resits and Repeats will count towards your credit workload and under University Regulations, you cannot attempt more than 40 credits in a single trimester. If adding a repeat or a resit would result in you exceeding the trimester workload limit, you should seek guidance from the College Office. You will be advised on how you can amend your registration to comply with University regulations. 

If you need to register for a Resit or a Repeat you will receive information in advance on how to do this, and again, the College Office is available to help you with any queries you may have. 

Substituting Modules

If the module that you did not pass is an option module, you can make up the missing credit by taking another equivalent option module. If you fail an elective, you can also choose not to repeat, or resit it and take an alternative module to make up the credit. You must take a resit or repeat for any module that is core to your programme. Substitutions for option and elective modules are first attempts at a module and there are no restrictions on grades, therefore the full module fee applies. 

If you need to Register for a Resit/Repeat Module in Trimester 2

Once provisional results for your Trimester 1 modules are released in January, log into your SISWeb Registration Process and follow the instructions for registering for a resit/repeat module (in Module Registration). Look for the module(s) you need to repeat/resit and select as appropriate. If you are unsure about your resits/repeats seek advice from the School or College Office. If you are attempting a resit, it is vital that you contact the module co-ordinator to find out the nature of the resit assessment and the timetable for its submission. Do not expect the module co-ordinator, or anyone else to contact you. It is your responsibility to find out what the module requirements are.

For further information on this, please refer to Resits/Repeats Information

If you do not pass a module that is required for you to be allowed to progress to the next Stage, please make sure you talk to someone in the College Office or the School Office. It is very important that you get advice on your options to progress as quickly as possible so you do not have to worry. Communication with us is key. 

Completion of Your Degree

You will be awarded your degree when you have accumulated 180 credits (BA Arts), or 240 credits (BA Arts (International), BA Humanities and BA International Modern Languages) if these credits meet the Programme requirements and your subject requirements.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777