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Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme

Strengthening Academic Ties Between Ireland and Canada

ICUF Craig Dobbin launch group photo

(Left to right: Incoming ICUF Chair Chris Collenette, Director of the UCD Centre for Canadian Studies Dr Paul Halferty, ICUF CEO James Kelly, Principal/College of Arts & Humanities Regina Uí Chollatáin, Canadian Ambassador to Ireland Nancy Smyth, Outgoing ICUF Chair Dr Desmond Green, Dr Liz Conroy, Senator Malcolm Byrne)

In a significant development for UCD’s global engagement, the Canadian Ambassador to Ireland, Nancy Smyth launched the Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme with a formal ‘call for applications’ in the University Club at 12pm today.

The Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme (CDLP) is an initiative of the Ireland Canada University Foundation (ICUF), the UCD Centre for Canadian Studies, and UCD’s College of Arts and Humanities. Celebrating the legacy of Craig Dobbin’s contribution to Ireland-Canada academic relations, the programme aims to plant seeds for a whole new phase of UCD engagement with Canadian universities over the coming years.

The CDLP has two distinct strands: strand one is the Craig Dobbin Legacy Scholarships,  and strand two is a series of high-profile lectures that will take place in Ireland and in Canada. Details of the lecture series will be shared in the coming months, while today’s focus was launching the Craig Dobbin Legacy Scholarships.

Scholarships Details
Dr. Paul Halferty, Director of the Centre for Canadian Studies at UCD, introduced the Craig Dobbin Legacy Scholarships. This scheme will award 30 scholarships, 15 of which will support UCD scholars in conducting research in Canada, with the remaining
15 supporting Canadian scholars in pursuing research at UCD.

Dr. Halferty noted that the programme welcomes applications from scholars across all academic fields, with research proposals that align with key themes of the College of Arts and Humanities. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply by June 12, 2024,
with further details of the CLDP and ICUF scholarships are available at (opens in a new window)https://www.icuf.ie/scholarships/

Celebration of Cultural Heritage
The launch event was brought to a memorable close with a performance of traditional Irish and Canadian music by Liz Doherty, a 1995 ICUF Scholar. This performance underscored the cultural connections and shared heritage that form the backdrop of the
Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme.

About the Craig Dobbin Legacy:

The Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme honours the vision and generosity of Newfoundlander Craig Dobbin, whose support of UCD Canadian Studies and ICUF has been pivotal in shaping the academic relationship between Ireland and Canada. Through this initiative, UCD College of Arts and Humanities and ICUF aim to celebrate and continue his legacy,
laying the groundwork for future generations of scholars to explore and deepen the ties
between both nations.

Speaking on behalf of UCD, Prof. Regina Uí Chollatáín, College Principal, College of Arts & Humanities said that 'I am thrilled we are launching this programme today, a testament to our valued partnership with ICUF. This initiative deepens the academic ties between Ireland and Canada, building on and celebrating Craig Dobbin's visionary efforts.  By strengthening these connections, we're set to considerably enrich the global research landscape. It aligns seamlessly with the research themes of the College of Arts and Humanities and the broader university community, intertwining these unique cultural and research opportunities.'

In his remarks, ICUF’s Irish Chair, Dr Desmond Green, expressed his profound satisfaction with the realization of this initiative, marking a significant milestone in the academic collaboration between Ireland and Canada. Dr Green emphasized the importance of the partnership with UCD in bringing this programme to life. 'We are deeply pleased to see this come to fruition' he remarked. 'This collaboration with UCD is a testament to our shared commitment to excellence in academia and our mutual dedication to strengthening the bonds between these two countries'.

Dr Green noted the special place of Newfoundland in the Ireland-Canada story, and concluded his remarks with an optimistic outlook on the impact of the Craig Dobbin Legacy Scholarships. 'We are hopeful that these scholarships will not only honour Craig Dobbin and his family's significant contributions but also pave the way for a future where scholars from both countries collaborate to enrich our societies and the lives of future generations.'

Contact Information:
For more information on the Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme and how to apply for the
Craig Dobbin Legacy Scholarships, please visit: (opens in a new window)https://www.icuf.ie/scholarships/craig-dobbin-legacy-programme/

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777