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New College Research Strategy Unveiled

New College Research Strategy Unveiled 

The UCD College of Arts and Humanities Research Strategy 2020-2024 brings together and supports the combined research excellence from across the College’s Schools, Institutes, Centres and subject disciplines. The strategy provides a coherent and enabling framework for the development of interdisciplinary expertise and represents a refreshed approach to partnership collaboration and public engagement in a national and global context.

At the heart of the strategy are eight interdisciplinary research themes that each work independently but also engage with and support the four strategic thematic areas of ‘Rising to the Future’, the (opens in a new window)UCD Strategy 2020-2024: 'Creating a Sustainable Global Society'; 'Transforming through Digital Technology'; 'Building a Healthy World'; 'Empowering Humanity', across eight themes:

  • Digital Cultures
  • Engaged Creativity
  • Environmental Humanities
  • Health, Medicine and Wellbeing
  • Transnationalising the Humanities
  • Ireland in the World
  • Thresholds of Knowledge
  • Violence and Society

The strategy seeks to enable arts and humanities researchers to work together and in partnerships, both internal and external, to explore and challenge pressing global issues from a past, present, future and multi-linguistic perspective. As our eight research themes compellingly demonstrate, the strategy will also promote and articulate the relevance of our subjects in today’s rapidly changing and complex world.

Read more (opens in a new window)here.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777