Theorising Research Ecologies? An Environmental Humanities Symposium. 11th April, H204 UCD Humanities Institute (hybrid)
How can the environmental humanities expand to consider ‘research environment’ as a form of environment? How do factors such as location, networking, and working conditions matter to the environmental critic? Through a day of discussions, presentations, and provocations, this event advances the environmental humanities in new place-based and politically engaged directions.
Keynotes: Dr Michelle Bastian and Dr Sam Solnick.
Free to attend in-person or online: (opens in a new window)
Some travel bursaries are available for Ireland-based early career researchers
(Application form).
A collaboration between MARBEFES (Ashley Cahillane) and Cultural Imaginaries of Just Transitions (Treasa DeLoughry). Funded by the UCD Humanities Institute, the UCD Earth Institute, and the UCD College of Arts and Humanities. Email (opens in a new window)