Research Advisory Network
The Research Advisory Network (RAN) is aimed at enhancing our research profile, supporting a dynamic research environment, and fostering a deeper interdisciplinary culture.
The RAN is made up of members from across the seven Schools in the College of Arts and Humanities who have particular expertise in a range of identified ‘Research Areas’. The purpose of the RAN is to provide dedicated research advice and to create opportunities for deepening interdisciplinary connections.
As academics with a sustained record of excellence, the members of the RAN can help you across grant applications, publications and public impact. Members of the RAN can offer you invaluable guidance, insight and specialist support across these three critical areas at key moments in your research project.
The RAN is available to all members of staff. To enable you to access the best support, we have provided a listing of a range of ‘Research Areas’, each of which links to a number of experts in that field who can offer advice, guidance and assistance to you. All you need to do is pick a name and email them. Remember, it is a College-wide initiative, so you can contact anyone on the list, regardless of which School they are in. The purpose is to link you with the relevant expertise, which may lie in a different School to the one you are in.
We strongly encourage you to seek support through the Research Advisory Network. We look forward to hearing how the RAN might benefit your research over the coming months and years.
Professor Sarah Prescott, Principal UCD College of Arts and Humanities,
Associate Professor Charles Ivar McGrath, VP for Research, Innovation and Impact.