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'101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education'

This is a (opens in a new window)crowd-sourced electronic publication describing 101 ways of using generative AI in educational contexts.

Are you AI Ready? Investigating AI tools in Higher Education - Faculty Guide

An interdisciplinary project team, comprising faculty, staff, and students from two Colleges in UCD, came together in April 2023 to collaboratively work on a(opens in a new window)SATLE funded projectwith the following aims:

  • Undertake a critical evaluation of the current use of high-profile (Chat GPT, Bing etc) AI applications within three UCD schools, using the DigComp 2.2(opens in a new window)[1]competences framework.
  • Use findings of this evaluation to co-develop a collaboratively designed online ‘AI Readiness’ resource for faculty and students.
  • Co-develop an AI digital capabilities matrix to facilitate contextualisation of the ‘AI Readiness’ resources across different disciplines in the university.

(opens in a new window)This faculty guidebook is the product of work completed by the SATLE ‘Are You AI Ready?’project team to date.

NAIN Guidelines

The National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN) Guidelines were published by Ireland’s (opens in a new window)National Academic Integrity Network in October 2023 and provide recommendations and detailed guidelines for the use of generative AI in Higher Education. Although the guidelines were written for educators, there are sections on ‘what everyone needs to know’ and ‘what students need to know and do’.

 AI Ethics

This Infographic on AI Ethics is a useful visual overview of some of the key ethical concerns related to generative AI. The creator, Leon Furze, studies the implications of Artificial Intelligence on writing instruction and education. His (opens in a new window)blog series on AI ethics is an excellent resource for both students and staff.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777