News and Events
- New Chapter for China Joint Colleges: Meet the New Director
- Engineering Empire: Dr Amanda Kelly Unveils the Secrets of the Roman Aqueduct of Lyttos at Peking University
- Alan Morgan Recognised with Prestigious University Award for Learning Excellence
- New Book Written by UCD Prof is Published in China
- 2nd China Joint Colleges Workshop
- A Novel Hybrid Model for Intrusion Detection Systems Voted the Best Paper of 2023
- We Have the Best Poster Winners
- BDIC Representation at IEEE CISP-BMEI 2024 in Shanghai
- BDIC Conference on Computer Science and Electrical/Electronics Engineering
- Former BDIC IoTE students with UCD PhD
- BDIC alumnus Wang Yue graduated with her PhD at UCD
- We welcome BDIC and GDIC Students in Dublin
- Dr. Diogo Geraldes has been selected to present his work at the prestigious World Congress of the Game Theory Society in Beijing
- BDIC Conferring Ceremony 2 July 2024
- We have made it
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award
- BDIC one of the Top 20 Excellent Chinese-Foreign Joint Schools in China
- BDIC teachers representing UCD on IEEE conference on Energy Internet and ESI in Hangzhou
- Dr. Diogo Geraldes Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago
- PhD student defended his thesis funded by BDIC scholarship
- We celebrated St Patrick's Day at the Irish Embassy in Beijing
- Dr. Diogo Geraldes' Latest Research Published in the Prestigious Management Science Journal
- Dr. Diogo Geraldes Became a Football Champion at BJUT
- Dr Nima Afraz representing UCD in the 2023 International Optics Forum Beijing
- Welcome to the Academic Year 2023-2024
- BDIC Conferring Ceremony 2023
- BDIC Lecturer, Dr Amanda Kelly awarded a Visiting Fellowship at Princeton
- BDIC student secures a UCD College of Science Udergraduate scholorship
- The Shape of Water; Surveying the Roman Aqueduct of Knossos with Dr Amanda Kelly
- Henry McLoughlin Appointed Vice-Principal Teaching & Learning for the China Joint Colleges
- PhD student Zheng Yushi associated with BDIC Published His First Journal Paper
PhD student Zheng Yushi Associated with BDIC Published His First Journal Paper
Friday, 31 March, 2023
PhD student Zheng Yushi, who is on a UCD scholarship associated with BDIC, recently published his first journal paper. His paper was selected as editor's pick for that issue of the journal.
"Congratulations to my PhD student Yushi Zheng on his first journal paper. There are many novel time-frequency distributions being proposed based on optical propagation models in recent years, but those papers often lack a link to physical significance. Yushi showed which of those distributions are trivially related to the Wigner distribution function or are independently significant, and showed how one of the independent ones can be used to model the propagation of partially coherent light" - wrote BDIC lecturer, John Healy on his LinkedIn page. The abstract of Yushi Zheng's article can be found here: (opens in a new window)
Yushi will travel to BDIC to act as a TA from next academic year.