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Thursday, 4 July, 2024

BDIC labs have been quietly making several large steps forward in terms of real-world, hands-on learning, and use of cutting-edge technologies this year. This is all thanks to the dedication and innovative thinking of its staff and students. At the heart of these advancements are Dr. Barry Cardiff, Dr. John Healy, and Mr. Yushi Zheng, each playing a crucial role in pushing forward the boundaries of their respective fields, specifically:

 - Dr. Cardiff has been focused on enhancing the Wireless Systems and Communication Theory Labs through the development and procurement of Phase Locked Loop (PLL) boards. This equipment is key to exploring new dimensions in wireless communications. "We've recently developed and manufactured PLL boards in China, which will become part of our lab setup going forward. This upgrade is essential for our research and teaching, allowing us to delve deeper into wireless technologies and offer our students a hands-on learning experience," Dr. Cardiff mentioned. The aim here is clear: to ensure students not only learn about but also actively engage with the technologies that will shape the future of wireless systems and communication theory.

- Dr. John Healy is at the forefront of integrating large language models into the teaching of digital signal processing labs. Dr. Healy's lab is not just about ensuring academic integrity in labs in the era of ChatGPT; it's about redefining its application as a pedagogical support. "Our work is particularly exciting because it aims to integrate large language models in a positive way in our teaching. This combination opens up new avenues for independent study that were previously unimaginable," Dr. Healy explained. His project is part of a broader initiative supported by a SATLE grant. Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE), is an Irish national initiative to drive teaching and learning innovation and enhancement across the higher education sector on specific themes.

- Mr. Yushi Zheng, a PhD student under Dr. Healy, is exploring the practical aspects of digital signal processing through the development of a hardware-based real-time processing lab. His research focuses on applying time-frequency methods to partially coherent imaging, offering valuable insights into this complex field. "The real-time processing lab allows us to apply theoretical concepts practically and instantly see the outcomes, which is incredibly beneficial for how students learn," Mr. Zheng shared. His work exemplifies the hands-on approach BDIC labs are taking towards education and research.

Together, these efforts to enhance and update labs at BDIC illustrate a commitment to not just keeping pace with technological advancements but actively contributing to them. The integration of cutting-edge technology into teaching and research is not just about enhancing the labs' capabilities; it's about preparing students for a future where such technologies will be integral to solving real-world problems.