Our goal is to establish the School as a leading European centre for integrative biology, exploring and understanding the processes that drive change from evolutionary, environmental and social perspectives and at levels ranging from the molecular and genetic to individual, ecosystem and landscape.

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Our goal is to further establish the School of Biology and Environmental Science (SBES) as a leading European Centre for integrative biology, exploring and understanding the processes that drive change from evolutionary and environmental perspectives and at levels ranging from the molecular and genetic to individual, ecosystem and landscape. Our strength lies in the depth of our expertise across a wide range of complementary disciplines enabling SBES to tackle global challenges from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
We provide integrated science to underpin environmental policy and sustainable management and in support of industries that depend on natural resources, including agriculture, forestry and freshwater and marine fisheries. We create novel methods, theories and tools to address these challenges. We also generate advances in cell and molecular biology with direct bio-medical applications, exploring and harnessing the world’s biodiversity using a multi-disciplinary perspective. We innovate genetic, evolutionary and theoretical methods to better understand past and future global change and link this with ongoing environmental research to better understand the natural world.
Our research currently focuses on three interlinked thematic areas:
Environmental Change & Sustainability: Informing Policy & Practice
Genetics and Evolution: From Genome to Biome
Cellular and Molecular Biology: From Genes to Biotechnology
Grants may be made available by the School of Biology and Environmental Science to support the educational and research endeavours of Postgraduate research students and Research funded staff within the School of Biology and Environmental Science and details can be found at the following page;
GraSS: Graduate Support Scheme