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It is the policy of the School of Biology and Environmental Science (SBES) that all postgraduate research students (MSc and PhD) act as demonstrator in undergraduate practical classes, for at least one module per Autumn and Spring trimester (unless special circumstances exist). Under normal circumstances postgraduate students will be assigned an average of 40 hours in each of the Autumn and Spring trimesters. Remuneration is provided and the UCD HR pay rates can be found here

The demonstrating rota is organised by Rachael Reenan ((opens in a new window)rachael.reenan@ucd.ie) and circulated by email at the start of each trimester.

Before the start of each teaching trimester, the current list of postgraduate research students in the school will be contacted to confirm their availability. The School typically does not recruit externally, except in cases where there are insufficient students available for demonstrating.

To receive payment for demonstrating, the demonstrator must complete an Hourly Paid Set Up Authorisation Form at the beginning of each academic year (circulated by the School’s Finance Administrator, Gillian Moran). They must subsequently complete an Online Timesheet each month, by the stipulated deadline in order to receive payment. A link to the UCD Hourly-Paid Employee setup is here

SBES Demonstrator Policy

SBES Practical guidelines

School of Biology and Environmental Science