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Jessica Whelan

Jessica graduated with a BE in Chemical Engineering from UCD in 2002.  She worked as an engineer for MSD in Ballydine, Ireland for two years before returning to complete a PhD and undertake postdoctoral research in the areas of bioprocessing, PAT and advanced control under Prof. Brian Glennon and Dr. Susan McDonnell.  From 2012 to 2017, Jessica worked as the Director of Technical Operations for APC, an Irish company providing process development services to the pharma and biopharma sector.  She then took up the role of Associate Director, MS&T Upstream at BMS Cruiserath. During her time there, she contributed to the start-up of the new biologics facility and worked on the development of next generation processes.  In 2020, she joined the faculty of the UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to pursue her research interests in the biomanufacturer of biologics and advanced therapeutics and is currently Head of School.  She is also a funded investigator in the SFI SSPC centre, chair of the working group on education and training for the National CGT Forum and a management committee member of the COST action addressing the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from haplo-selected cord blood samples (Haplo-iPS).

Contact the Biomanufacturing Research Group

UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: jessica.whelan1@ucd.ie